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SentientKeyboard t1_jawgg1a wrote

Same tired trope about the US. It's like beer. The US has some of the best cheese and beers and wines in the world, but uncultured Europeans want to compare Kraft singles to their named cheeses when smaller farms in places like Vermont or Wisconsin are making incredible products.


hidden_secret t1_jawuafd wrote

I mean, I'm just looking at the cheese you eat (stuff like cheddar!).

You might have incredible cheese, but if it's only eaten by 1% of the population, it can't be compared to cheese from other countries that most people eat in these countries.


SentientKeyboard t1_jaxc4wo wrote

In that case, the majority of it that's being consumed is just as run of the mill as the cheeses in the US. And we're talking actual cheese, not a comparison in bad faith between American "cheese products" and actual European cheese, but the cheese that gets counted in production statistics as cheese. Just because people make up a specific word to call it and slap a PDO sticker on it doesn't make it more special.


andyrocks t1_jawy2wc wrote

Which makes up a small fraction of those millions of tons of "cheese".
