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Dandan0005 t1_j9scf2j wrote

Fuck off.

One wants healthcare and a livable wage and one wants civil war and thinks Jewish space lasers are starting fires.

Miss me with the false equivalence.


SaggyFrontButt2 t1_j9sd3yk wrote

Great, an r/politics poster. No one is also saying she doesn’t want affordable healthcare or a living wage. Not that AOC does anything productive to further either issue.


ThePanoptic t1_j9slksh wrote

AOC is one of hundreds of representatives, she can not do it alone, but her voting record shows that she will vote for these issues every time.

All we can expect of our representatives is to vote in our favor and she does.

Saying “she hasn’t done anything” make you sound as dumb as a rock.

“Why hasn’t the one representing out of 435 fix our healthcare system” it’s because there are inbred republicans on the other side of the isle.


SaggyFrontButt2 t1_j9tj3ka wrote

MJT isnt representative of the right, was the point I was making
