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nerdydancing OP t1_j8e38cb wrote

HOW I MADE THE VISUALIZATION: Numbers and Photoshop. Over the years I always kept a daily log of my earnings and other data.

BACKGROUND: A few weeks ago I posted my daily stripper earnings over four years. My initial comment on that post has a lot of basic info about strip club earnings if you are interested (all earnings shown are net after tip-outs and fees but before taxes). Some commenters asked if the Super Bowl brought in extra revenue so I decided to take a look. Keep in mind that this is ONE stripper's experience over only four Super Bowls.

ABOUT THE DAILY AVERAGE: I considered a few options for what to compare the Super Bowl Sunday and Monday earnings to. I went with the entire prior year's average (counting from the Tuesday after the prior Super Bowl to the Saturday before the relevant Super Bowl). As you can see, my average went up as the years went on and I became better at earning, so maybe it's unfair to use shifts as old as 11 months prior. I considered using an average from some time prior AND after the game. I also considered using Sunday and Monday shifts only because days of the week did tend to be different. Curious to hear thoughts on what would be the most interesting comparison.

LOCAL EFFECT: None of the Super Bowls were played where I danced (Los Angeles area) which obviously would have had a huge impact because of the influx of visitors. Only one game featured an LA team. Anecdotally, I did notice a boost in earnings on days when regular NFL games were played locally. I remember one busy Sunday afternoon in particular when there was a blowout and tons of fans from both teams bailed on the game early and came to the strip club instead.

WAS SUPER BOWL RELEVANT AT ALL: Looking back on my notes, I can point to lots of factors that may have influenced my earnings. The 2/5/17 Super Bowl ($84) was at a club that I was doing very poorly at, so my low earnings were actually not bad for that spot at that time (the Raiders bikiniI I wore may have helped or hurt my cause). The Monday after the 2/4/18 Super Bowl ($1,670) was my best shift ever and was thanks to a one-time-only high-rolling customer. I didn't even do any private dances with him; he just tipped me while I sat and talked with him. He said he was spending because of his divorce, but who knows, maybe he had won a lot of Super Bowl bets the day before. The Monday after the 2/2/20 Super Bowl similarly included a one-time-only medium-rolling customer (along with two of my regulars).

I WAS NOT OVULATING: I got this question so many times on my last post that I'm just pre-empting it here. I do not ovulate.

IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A RUDE COMMENT: My last post had plenty, so in addition to being offensive and unfunny, just know that you are also being unoriginal.

Thanks for reading!


JPAnalyst t1_j8e5a3g wrote

Not the sexiest dataviz I’ve seen, but it’s straight forward and easy to interpret. You’re being extremely hyperbolic by saying this is one of the “worst you’ve seen”.

What should OP do to improve on it?


pleetf7 t1_j8e6do3 wrote

Looks like the stripper who told me she was in school for a stats degree wasn’t lying. Told you she was being honest with me, Tony!


SciGuy45 t1_j8e80cg wrote

Well done more than doubling your earnings


4alark t1_j8e822y wrote

This is really interesting. I can see why the Super Bowl would be a spike, but the Monday after seems strange. If anything, I'd expect it to be even lower than an average Monday, because so many people just went out the night before? Maybe it was a fluke, several years running. Do you compare tips with other dancers, and find they have a similar Superbowl Monday experience? Likely they aren't keeping such careful records. Fingers crossed you have a great night tonight!


drquaithe t1_j8e950f wrote

I would be curious how it compares to other Sundays and Mondays specifically


danger_zone123 t1_j8e96ql wrote

Curious why you haven't updated the data? Posting stuff that is 3 years old today?


nerdydancing OP t1_j8e9bd9 wrote

I definitely hesitate to draw any global conclusions. If you look at my post with all my daily earnings over four years you see things can be quite spiky, so this could very well be a four-time fluke. My one theory would be that people who won money on the Super Bowl might want to spend it the next day. But to your point, I never talked with other dancers who had detailed records. :)


mirabiledic2 t1_j8eazgf wrote

Can someone show the projected number of DMs this person will get in the next 24 hours compared to baseline?


ap1msch t1_j8ee35n wrote

This is actually pretty insightful! Being a Patriots fan, I'm well aware of the pace of 3 of the 4 games you share, as well as the last Chiefs win. The quality of the game seems to negatively impact earnings, but only in terms of "come back victories". The game against the Rams was a great game, with a defensive showcase, but even with the home team playing, it wasn't enough to distract the locals.

Without the first game, it would seem consistent that you make a bit more during and shortly after the game. (Perhaps "winnings" by bettors?) Perhaps someone won big in 2018?

Regardless, you obviously upped your earnings each year, which is commendable for anyone. =) Keep it up, and Go Patriots! =)


QuitCallingNewsrooms t1_j8eel6c wrote

Agreed. I’d probably break out everyday if the week for averages, break out national championships for other sports, national holidays, compare the weeks before and after those events, and see if it tells me a story of what days I should focus on working and when to take off to maximize earnings and minimize hours of work.


Jasondbaker31 t1_j8efywr wrote

Looks like you have possibly become a better stripper as your daily average in ‘17 was $208 and now it is $530. Even with inflation that is a significant increase in your weekly average.


the_genius324 t1_j8eh2yy wrote

It's clear that the patriots are the only thing stopping you from getting money


AftyOfTheUK t1_j8ek2xl wrote

>TIL... Also inappropriate that they are asking you that

I mean, I didn't ask it, but it's pretty relevant if you're talking about reasons why earnings might increase.


AftyOfTheUK t1_j8ek8or wrote

>This is really interesting. I can see why the Super Bowl would be a spike, but the Monday after seems strange. If anything, I'd expect it to be even lower than an average Monday, because so many people just went out the night before?

You're assuming that people who went out the night before stopped partying to go to sleep. There are going to be a ton of people who party through Superbowl, get on the marching powder, and just carry on the next day. And all the people who choose to travel and make long weekends out of it.


MrMisties t1_j8esolq wrote

Fuck those are some hot graphs. Include this in your routine I BEG


scaredycat_z t1_j8f1opk wrote

I think more interesting than the SB+Monday earnings is your daily average growth rate during those four years.

You mention that you were doing poorly in the 2017 club, and it shows that after you left you had a 43.75% increase in daily earnings. Next year was only 14%, but after that you had a 54.52% bump. Would be interesting to know what changed from in that year.

Was it something you were doing, or was it something beyond your control?


Can_swing t1_j8f42fs wrote

Who cares!? Why is this interesting to people. It offers no insights into anything. I'm tired of seeing all these stripper earnings posts. What can I learn from this data? Nothing! It's just attention seeking behavior.


Want_To_Live_To_100 t1_j8f4th8 wrote

This made me realize… I have no idea how much I make per day… never really thought about it per day


nerdydancing OP t1_j8f8ngm wrote

Thanks for the feedback! The second bar in each group is just a screenshot of the two teams with the final score. I figured people reading this would be interested in Super Bowls and would recognize those, but maybe not.

My thought with the colors was to use blue for the baselines and red if it was below baseline and green if above baseline.


nerdydancing OP t1_j8f8z07 wrote

Thanks for the attention! On another note, searching this subreddit turns up exactly two posts about stripper earnings that I can find, both authored by me. So a simple solution would be to block me and then you won't ever have to see my posts again. 👍


nickfill4honor t1_j8fh1z9 wrote

People give strippers a bad rap. You’re more organized and in the know of your personal finances than 80% of people. Bravo


thirdaccount33 t1_j8fh8de wrote

Will the stripper earnings series continue with a Valentine's Day analysis?


RussMantooth t1_j8fkbhs wrote

This kind of data analysis doesn't seem very stripper like. Could we get some pics or a quick performance video to be sure


Narrow_Soft_9225 t1_j8fpi71 wrote

Needs at least 6 more data observations to be a pragmatic lower bound sample. The chart is impressive though.


Das-Tronz t1_j8fpv6b wrote

Going to say that monday after spike is likely due to those people who hit the bag on their bets. Get the bag, try to play with the bags, go home with a sag.


tokable t1_j8furee wrote

When you win big bets on the Super Bowl (or any game for that matter) you are obligated to hit the strip club and pass along some of the winnings. It's like tithing for gamblers.


InternationalBand494 t1_j8fzi4z wrote

Interesting to see how your daily average has gone up through experience and getting more regular customers (I’m assuming) 2/5/18 was a great day


x021 t1_j8g2d1a wrote

This is some awesome data. Thank you!


ARealBlueFalcon t1_j8g5yui wrote

I am shocked you don’t earn more. The data is interesting. I’d be interested to see a more granular chart. Or more looks at it (holidays, days of the week, month etc). The descriptive statistics would be interesting as well.


cheesebrah t1_j8gaa64 wrote

Are you a stats major and strip to pay for college?


TokoBlaster t1_j8gc9zi wrote

This might be hard to do depending on your records, but maybe check other earnings around other sporting events? It might be gambling winnings, and while it probably can't prove it, it might yield a trend.

It doesn't have to be major sporting events either like the super bowl, it might just be general sports gambling, which would be crazy fun and interesting to see! So maybe dig through records around other sporting events!


Orikrin1998 t1_j8gekol wrote

Very interesting, thanks for sharing this!


ARealBlueFalcon t1_j8gh4hp wrote

I did not see that. That is awesome that you track it. I’d imagine that would be helpful with shift decisions. I am going to dig into it tomorrow.

As vague as possible, are you US based? Metropolitan area?


pleetf7 t1_j8gifwa wrote

I think he is implying that assuming the stripper population follows a normal distribution, knowledge of the null hypothesis is likely concentrated in samples several standard deviations above the mean.

Either that or he’s schooling me on how to chat up a stripper. I’m too socially awkward to figure out which is which.


jiggiwatt t1_j8gjyov wrote

Is this a case of more people paying after midnight on Super Bowl Sunday? Like yeah it's Monday, but 2am.


nerdydancing OP t1_j8gkrw6 wrote

I didn't explain how I account for the dates. I wasn't splitting my money at midnight and doing it on a strict calendar basis. If I started a shift at 10pm on Sunday and went to 2am Monday morning that all counted towards a "Sunday" shift.


ModXMaG t1_j8gkzr3 wrote

I haven’t gained much info besides the fact that you must of became a very good stripper since Super Bowl 51


Pohara521 t1_j8gl0v1 wrote

I would assume this is sports betting related. Id be curious what state you are in - specifically for 2018. Would be interesting if your state had recently passed online betting prior to that SB. Id love to see what the breakdown looks like on the days of Kentucky derby, Pimlico and Belmont if horse betting is allowed in your state


ARealBlueFalcon t1_j8gos03 wrote

That is more interesting and seems less surprising. I guess your last year average seems more in line with what I would think. $500 on average seems like what I would expect an attractive woman to make. I haven’t been to a strip club in a few years but it always seemed like the women were making a fortune. But I didn’t often go on a weekday so I missed the nights where there are no guys dropping $1,000.

Was the uptick in earnings in later years a result of the analysis?


nerdydancing OP t1_j8gtu25 wrote

Don't forget that we don't keep all of the money. And even if you see a guy dropping $1,000, that might be with one or two dancers and there are 30 more on the floor fighting for scraps. LA is not a huge strip club market either. Most of my earnings increase is from me building up a roster of regular customers and also just getting better at the job.


Pohara521 t1_j8gwym2 wrote

Thanks, just read it. And the previous post. On 1st glance, I'm unconvinced it is based on sports betting. Although, perhaps anticipation of supreme court striking down pro & amateur sports protection act in May '18 led to increasing sports gambling earlier that year. What was the color designation of the club you were working? Considering OTB is legal, I would be curious what your earning look like on the day of major races - local and national


nerdydancing OP t1_j8gz36o wrote

The four Super Bowls shown were at LA club #1, #2, #2, #3. I think to make conclusions about specific betting days it would be better to have aggregate data about money spent at the club. A lot of my earnings were from regulars although I did have two big spends from one-time-only customers who might have been gambling winners. Thanks for reading!


whitwhat t1_j8h1ptt wrote

Was there some other external factor (aside from SB) affecting 2017? Like weather, etc?


elviskarl t1_j8h2xlv wrote

I am loving this data, really. A real social behavior study


FuryVonThunderschmit t1_j8hn41l wrote

It appears you age like a fine wine. Also, these are Covid years. Surely that affected your industry.


PixeiLad t1_j8lgp7a wrote

So after the over hyped ADstravaganza that is the Sleeper Bowl: There's a lot of backed up testosterone I'm betting.

I had a job one summer driving dancers to gigs.

I made friends with a lot of them and understand why they got to feeling the way they did some days..


Astronius t1_j8vdy51 wrote

Philadelphia parties hard apparently


AKA_BigTaco t1_j8ydxw3 wrote

What are you charging for the various services? Curious what this look like if you look at a unit price/net earnings model. Is there a product mix optimization play here?


nerdydancing OP t1_j8yhsp9 wrote

For the most part it's all tips and single lapdances, which have prices set by the clubs. Prior to 2018 I was able to set my own VIP prices but then my clubs standardized those too and I started leaning towards selling less VIPs to optimize.


nerdydancing OP t1_j8yqm7l wrote

VIPs might be better for the club but they charge high room fees to the dancers and/or keep a higher percentage of the total than single dances. When I used to set my own prices I made my VIPs expensive to make it worthwhile. I wrote a detailed comment about pricing on this post if you can find it.