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jonsnowden- t1_j7fuwh7 wrote

I think next time you should also involve OP's family in this disintegrating roast process I just witnessed. To end the suffering of their mediocre existence. Because st4n13l is a merciful god.


Stratedge t1_j7gos0q wrote

OP doesn't have a family; it's a business and this is an ad. As an avid dataisbeautiful follower, this offends me.

As an investor, the actual portfolio offends me even more though. These are a lot of low upside, high downside stocks. Traditional thinking would call this a safe, keep pace with inflation strategy, but I think it's more Russian roulette. Plenty diversified, though, hence why the data isn't beautiful.

Edit: If it were me I'd have organized the assets by some kind of grouping... sector or some kind of selection criteria that implies why it's supposed to be a good portfolio.