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swankpoppy t1_j7fe235 wrote

So how does that break out? Are ads the only source of revenue YouTube has? I would have thought there would be direct revenue too, from YouTube TV, things like that. Is that in “other revenue”? I’m asking if anyone has that data. Is 100% of YouTube’s revenue from ads because that’s what this is implying and it seems wrong.

I don’t like how this chart is supposed to show where all the money goes, but has $29B for YouTube, basically the size most companies, as one bucket that’s shown as all ad revenue. I don’t believe that’s true.


I__Know__Stuff t1_j7feh2m wrote

Another comment said that YouTube's non-advertising revenue is counted under Playstore.


swankpoppy t1_j7ff62h wrote

Thanks! That makes sense. I’m just surprised they have a bucket that large and don’t elaborate on what “other” means. Seems dodgy.