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WhiskerTwitch t1_j6x6zji wrote


drbenevolentnihilist t1_j6xbgic wrote

I’m the artaig circle obviously.


IveGotDMunchies t1_j6xgfnw wrote

>I’m the artaig circle obviously.

This cleared nothing up.


drbenevolentnihilist t1_j6xslx9 wrote

Sorry. Meant to make a joke about the above guys name because it’s artaig which sounds like arctic. Also I thought I typed “in”. Not I’m. I’ve had little sleep.


WhiskerTwitch t1_j6zhujh wrote

Meanwhile I'm wondering what air tags have to do with anything.
Now that I see where you were going with that, I applaud your terrible/awesome joke. Now go sleep, dude.