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cyanraichu t1_j6gfqtj wrote

Bro, you don't take your money with you to the grave. All the money in the world ain't worth my life.


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6kux2w wrote

Giving financial security to everyone I care about and ever could care about forever along with having hundreds of millions of dollars to give to causes I care most about is most definitely worth my life. And frankly I think anyone who feels otherwise is being unbelievably selfish, but thatā€™s just me.


cyanraichu t1_j6l8k76 wrote

That's fair but your earlier comment was "you don't understand how much a million is", not "you should be more altruistic".

People know it's a lot of money.

Also, assuming one went through with that - and you're imo overestimating the courage and selflessness of humans, plus I disagree with your assertion that they're bad people if they don't literally die in this scenario, but I digress - IF you went through with that you'd have to have all the legal stuff set up first to make sure the money went where you want it, not just got taken away because "well you're dead now, that sucks".


Tigerbait2780 t1_j6ldg4w wrote

No thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!! Itā€™s BILLIONS with a B, not millions. I know itā€™s like ā€œyeah thatā€™s a lot of money, millions billions whateverā€ but thatā€™s because you really understand how big of a number it really is, itā€™s hard thing to grasp

And I feel like weā€™re just being pedantic now, I shouldnā€™t have to qualify it with ā€œif all the legal stuff is sortedā€, it should be understood that no oneā€™s risking their life for billions of dollars on a handshake. Like, what are we even doing here? This is getting silly.


cyanraichu t1_j6ll7ur wrote

You just totally ignored the entire main point of my comment, like didn't touch on it even a little bit, so yeah, definitely getting silly