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ClawClawLutz t1_j6aobsx wrote

I forgot to say!!! You did a BEAUTIFUL job! Especially with the facial features. The ears look so real, I didn't try for a nose or eyelids on mine XD


BooneThorn OP t1_j6aq6t4 wrote

Thank you! I didn't do ears, eyes or nose on my first one. Then the next round I used toilette paper and super glue for the facial features, but now I'm using model magic.

Id love to see yours!


ClawClawLutz t1_j6ar15e wrote

I'm making mine for my sister as well, who is visiting in April. I'm taking it slow and working on it bit by bit, but I'll definitely show it when it's done!

Thanks again for the inspiration, I know she'll love it. And it's so cool you're able to make a business out of it now! :D