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LittleLachrymose OP t1_j2b5t3d wrote

No but I saw some cool variations on the Ouroboros symbol that I found inspiring and made me think to do this. One of the pieces for example was a skull and spine and the spine circled round to make the symbol. This is like a macabre ouroboros meets kaleidoscopes 😁


wulfgold t1_j2clazv wrote

...except not an ouroboros.


thenicezombie t1_j2du3yk wrote

So? It’s what he named his work, it’s not supposed to be a description


AkumaJishin t1_j2cmk20 wrote

its fine stop nitpicking


wulfgold t1_j2cu3ff wrote

Lol, maybe learn the meaning of "nitpicking", but you're right - it's an excellent picture of a bicycle.


AkumaJishin t1_j2cx8hc wrote

appreciate the art and move the fuck on. no one gives a fuck what he titles his artwork. and u have no right to dictate him on the same


wulfgold t1_j2cxlty wrote

Obviously,someone does care - how do you know "artist" is a "he"?

"That last sentence... "and u have no right to dictate him on the same"?

Missed the dictatorial part, did ask a question.

What is that even supposed to mean? I don't mean to "nit pick"... actually, I do - what are you trying to say? Just mash keyboard? Are you having a stroke?

Dictatorial versus questioning?

You seem a lot angrier than an idle comment online should make you...


Bitter_Bandicoot9860 t1_j2e3awo wrote

The word Ouroboros is Greek in origin and literally translates to "tail-devourer". The symbol the Greek word gives a name to is older than the Greek word for it and represents the eternal cycle of death and rebirth. Where the snake eats its tail the body begins again at the head and so on, infinitum.

I trust you were inspired by the ancient symbol, but there is nothing here devouring any tails nor is there a representation of rebirth as far as I can tell.