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AdamantForm OP t1_izgk86i wrote

Short anwser: not yet... but I am really glad You like that, and I plan to realese that thing soon, its gonna be called Fallen Titan Temple, it gonna be quite modular with few variations and other elements acompaning it. I will let You know when it is all ready, I've posted some renders of it etc on other groups and people had few cool ideas, so I am adding in a bit more to it. If that thing succes, theres gonna be more buildings, or even characters, if not I will still post some stuff from time to time:)


kenji213 t1_izi0fbz wrote

Looking forward to it. I wanna use this as a prop in a dungeons and dragons game


mantisinmypantis t1_izgkjir wrote

That’s awesome! I look forward to it! Glad to see I was thinking similarly to you, as I was going to say that this was the remains of some titanic, ancient entity that clearly has something secret and powerful lodged in its jaws.


AdamantForm OP t1_izgmpim wrote

I am sitting here smiling


mantisinmypantis t1_izgn2j3 wrote

I’m glad! You clearly did a lot of work on this, and it shows. You’re very talented! I know things can be scaled, and you said it’s in pieces, but what’s the total height of this thing? I’m getting a Mars 2 as my first, so my overall printing is relatively limited.


AdamantForm OP t1_izgnvhd wrote

I cant recall now how many pieces it is, but separately non of them exceeds 18cm... in any direction, when it is all merged it stands 30cm (it could be locked in more or less 30cm cube) I might make an optional bigger version, as entrance is kinda narrow now.