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Honclfibr t1_ivm6r4h wrote

You just keep doing your thing, man.


Diala711 t1_ivs1szd wrote

The new Joker


WeaknessLonely9676 t1_ivmtukk wrote

What the hell? That's dope. How long did it take to design?


Departedart OP t1_ivnp7ay wrote

Ugh I don't remeber really. I made it last year. Few days maybe. Not too long


WeaknessLonely9676 t1_ivpbred wrote

If there's one thing to remember; it's beautiful and u have talent. Keep it up 👍


DarkDracoGaming t1_ivnlne6 wrote

This is actually really cool, do you actually sell tarot decks that you've created if so, do you have a link to the rest of your artwork? if so, could you please share it as I'd like to see the rest of the cards as my wife collects such decks.. Thanks! ..


Departedart OP t1_ivnpcrf wrote

Tarot deck is in production. Art is done and you can find all of the cards on my profile on IG . Should come out early next year.


DarkDracoGaming t1_ivnq3kr wrote

Thanks, I'll check your IG out in a bit, just need to finish a few things first..


ALQatelx t1_ivpbgyb wrote

Wonderful art, any insight on the name?


Departedart OP t1_ivpbzo7 wrote

It's a Lovecraftian monster. The big daddy of the Deep Ones. You can read Shadow over Innsmouth if you want to find out more about him. Thanks 😁