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newt_girl t1_isthkk3 wrote

I haven't seen a jackalope in years!


IDOxVOODOO t1_isthxub wrote

Finally photographic evidence that the Jackalope is real.This Is fucking awesome!!!


trapkoda t1_istjt7w wrote

A part of me wants to say that among us is bottom right


jacks1322 t1_istl8dh wrote

I remember it took me an embarrassingly long time to learn these aren't real


Chinadoll_240 t1_istlttn wrote

oh my god i would simply die if i found one of these!!


NON_existingpro t1_istnfcq wrote

AcTuAlY there are two monsters (one is at background btw)


Y2alstott t1_istoplv wrote

Fast as fast can be.... You'll never catch me...


DadJokeBadJoke t1_ists0id wrote

I've heard many jokes about rabbits being horny and now I see it is true.


Innuendo69 t1_istsgls wrote

In Germany this is called a Wolpertinger and is quite a common mystical creature.


_samael t1_istwt8c wrote

Tf is that thing in the background tho


Eupion t1_istxfuh wrote

I could do the voice! From Americans Funniest People’s TV show.


Bronze_Addict t1_isu04bv wrote

Guy I know thought they were real up until he was like twenty five because he saw a stuffed one on the wall in a famous bar in my state. He gets shit about that to this day on hunting trips.


F1shtacos80 t1_isu1m7h wrote

"Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me"


gaudog t1_isu2h1e wrote

Even the scarecrow is happy to have spotted a Jackalope.


8-bit_Goat t1_isu3ytg wrote

FAKE. Everybody knows clowns aren't real.


misterygus t1_isu5azg wrote

Awww. I used to collect jackalope feet when I was a kid.


PowderSnouder t1_isu5w1d wrote

didn't even notice the thing in the backround lol


columbusref t1_isu998q wrote

Just go to a Texas Roadhouse restaurant, they always have a jackalope in there.


Bronze_Addict t1_isubuls wrote

No it was Ole’s big game bar and steakhouse in central Nebraska. They have all kinds of animals on the wall including a polar bear in a glass case. Pretty cool spot, PETA members should stay away tho


Wilddog73 t1_isukan6 wrote

You know, looking at this, I realize how incredibly unnatural it would be for a rabbit to have antlers.

How would they hide in a burrow? Avoid getting caught in bushes?

It just doesn't help them at all.


doniseferi t1_isukxf6 wrote

Ur about to take one for the team deerabbit


spudral t1_isulg1m wrote

I first found out about this last week when watching an episode of boarder patrol Australia (ithink it was Australia) and someone was trying to sneak a stuffed rabbit, with deer horns and eagle wings on a plinth through customs.


purpleushi t1_isumak3 wrote

I genuinely thought jackalopes were real animals until about a year ago.


Falcofury t1_isuod8m wrote

Thought you were slick trying to hide that clown in the back


Eatingleg4pnut t1_isupsb7 wrote

It would need to have a thicker neck to support a rack like that. It would be funny to see a bunch of them going into battle with each other during mating season and just limp neck swinging their heads at each other.


ketoleggins t1_isutlfh wrote

Two creatures. Most seem to have missed the other one.


Sazbadashie t1_isuxqxn wrote

A Wolpertinger, such a cutie

And a man afraid of it's majestic horns


orionicly t1_isuyb3j wrote

In Dutch this is reffered to as a 'knert'. Konijn (rabbit) + hert (deer)


reddits4losers t1_isv17wf wrote

Judging from the top comment thread, DOES NOBODY ELSE SEE WHAT'S IN THE BACK????


chasrmartin t1_isv2d51 wrote

Don’t see a lot of wild jackalopes any more.


NoOneImportan t1_isv5l8e wrote

What about the head in the FUCKING BACKGROUND


Cavemanb0b t1_isv9qc8 wrote

There’s one in every Cactus Club I’ve been to.


29again t1_isvc3k1 wrote

Well I guess I would die. I only saw the jack


ccrom t1_isvjhr9 wrote

In my defense, I point to all of the photographic and taxidermy evidence I saw as a child. When I showed this evidence to adults, none of them set me straight.


lonestar659 t1_isvqp1m wrote

My uncle used to have a stuffed jackalope in his office


kyllike t1_isvzwy2 wrote

Jackalope and quicklings.


parktoid t1_isw0pjt wrote

We have a mounted jackalope head. My dad always claimed he shot it. Had me fooled for way too long.

I still trick people with it sometimes, but only the less outdoorsy types that have never heard of them.


Muscalp t1_isw89kk wrote

Not much to say. Hunters probably mixed up the corpses of their game to create a new animal. However there‘s a hypothesis that all these cryptids that are rabbits with horns were created by rabbits with papillomavirus, which creates tumors.


Mainttech t1_isw8xc5 wrote

This is dumb, and old as shit. Work harder OP?


ach0012 t1_iswb7jk wrote

I have it on good authority that after 5 Jack and cokes, these do exist.


benenator3 t1_iswiv79 wrote

Is this the cover for the new Miike Snow album? /s


MrsBarbarian t1_iswloy0 wrote

It looks cool but how on earth is it going to fit down its burrow?


eutohkgtorsatoca t1_iswp2qw wrote

Friends had a taxidermy like that at their Big Bear Lake cottage.


bygtopp t1_iswuhbs wrote

Fast as fast can be ; you’ll never catch me.


Drink15 t1_isx6snd wrote

Who’s the clown photo bombing?


noirxgrace t1_it8dolm wrote

You can make the details of the creature less distinguishable, to give it an imperfect state, which would look real. Like the eyes and the spaces of black left are too crisp. Diminish or shade them in to make it look real.