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Thisisnotunieque t1_iqmxa0b wrote

For some reason, this reminds me of the proto-molecule from The Expanse. I like it!!


Starbush t1_iqnvyhv wrote

Came here to comment exactly this, was actually just listening to the Leviathan Wakens and got to the part where they discovered Julie, it's exactly how I imagined it!


Thisisnotunieque t1_iqod1c9 wrote

Right on! I'm currently waiting 8 weeks on hold at my library for Cibola Burn audio book. Can't come soon enough! Such a great story


PixelatedPope t1_iqpsfb1 wrote

Just finished Cibola 10 minutes ago! So good!


MahLilThrowaway t1_iqpst17 wrote

I did too, about a month ago. I guess it’s about time to get started on Nemesis Games!


Shankar_0 t1_iqob45z wrote

I came here to say this. If OP said it was his take on protomolecule infection I'd have totally believed it.


Jonny_Be_Good t1_iqpdkg0 wrote

glad to see the top comment is The Expanse related. That show deserves GoT levels of watchers in my opinion.


Andytchisholm t1_iqol016 wrote

I came here to make the exact same comment. This is exactly how I pictured it.


Dilapidated_Monk t1_iqpiqut wrote

Lol I was going to comment the same! Just finished the first book last night and just started number two


Thisisnotunieque t1_iqpjudp wrote

You lucky duck. I'm only 4 books in but I already wish I could forget them just to listen to them again for the first time


save_us_catman t1_iqozijp wrote

I was thinking the aliens from Prometheus especially when they just have the head (just rewatched)