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hasnothingnice2say t1_j940xsf wrote

Way to spew American propaganda that killing 40,000 civilians is somehow in any measure a generous and kind act


outsabovebad t1_j943t9n wrote

>killing 40,000 civilians is somehow in any measure a generous and kind act

Literally no one has said anything of that sort. They are simply saying that being instantly vaporized isn't a terrible way to go all things considered. Obviously civilians dieing sucks, but that's what total war is. America didn't start the war in the Pacific, but they were instrumental in ending it.


hasnothingnice2say t1_j944oqn wrote

You’re literally saying it. There’s no toll when a death is quick? Because everyone who died is a bastard orphan right? Because none of those people were productive members of society right? That’s the fucked mentality of westerners in war. It’s about winning and not the human cost. That’s how you kill hundreds of thousands of civilians in Vietnam, Afghanistan. Both conflicts they US did not win.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j949ual wrote

You dumbass. I'm an Afghan. So trying to play the white knight card fails.

Literally the best way to die when you die is instant vaporization. If you die from illness, you have prolonged pain. If you die from most violent means, you die with fear and pain. If you die while under the effect of drugs and whatnot, you mind dies happy, but your body's cells are still "panicked" and trying a last ditch effort to stay alive. Which, technically one could say doesn't matter because the cells aren't able to think, but it's still not a nice state.

But to go from "I'm alive" to fully obliterated? That's a very preferable alternative to go.

The issue is with permissions.

For example, the second best way to die is with anaesthesia being administered, along with happy drugs. Your mind will die a painless and calm and happy death.

But just like with being nuked against your permission, getting "euthanized" against your will is just as bad. But in terms of WAYS to die, atomic disintegration is excellent.


molotov_billy t1_j94pxrq wrote

I’d be super interested in your take on the human cost of the war in the pacific if hadn’t ended with the use of atomic weapons.