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HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j93gjhr wrote

Reply to comment by ExHax in Nuclear shadow, Nagasaki by allez05

And spontaneous nuclear vaporization is the best way for that person to not deal with the sadness.


tofuonplate t1_j93ke7k wrote

That or incoming radioactive rain that kills you slowly


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j93ld1w wrote

And if radioactive rain does hit you, what's the solution?


tofuonplate t1_j93ltpw wrote

Guess you'll die.

(In WWII era nobody knew what it was so they would die. In modern age so many things will be contaminated by radioactive rain that you'll likely consume it anyway, unless you were far away from the blast zone there's barely any chance of survival)


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j93pr8i wrote

I was hinting at the solution being spontaneous vaporization.


tofuonplate t1_j93v7e9 wrote

Ah, my sincere apology. This is probably why I'm alone forever 😂


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j93vipu wrote

No worries! It's not always easy to tell when someone is asking a serious question or just being deadpan.


Nope_______ t1_j94fgrc wrote

There wasn't much long-lived radioactive material after the blasts from WWII. You could walk through either city no problem a few days after they were bombed. Weapons aren't reactors.


mordinvan t1_j9515ye wrote

Depends on the dose. In low doses, coping with it, and facing an increased cancer risk. In high doses, rapid onset trans-cranial lead poisoning.


a-very-angry-crow t1_j97q5nj wrote

Unless you’re that poor bastard who got nuked twice

Seriously, nobody has had a worse few days than that guy