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ONESNZER0S t1_j3t7wc3 wrote

I can't speak to why , but i did notice that the Japanese 3DS/XL's that I was looking at on ebay often looked brand new, and most of the U.S. sellers stuff looked like they had been run over by a truck. I honestly thought maybe that the Japanese ones had just had their shells replaced. I wondered if maybe people in Japan had easier/cheaper access to replacement shells because they seem to look like new. Or , maybe they just take better care of their stuff? Who knows?


Brainvillage t1_j3tsuwp wrote

>Or , maybe they just take better care of their stuff?

They definitely do. The stuff I've ordered from Japan has been by and large immaculate. Sellers also pack things really well. They don't try to hide damage either, and will sell even slightly marred stuff as "junk" for a deep discount.

US sellers on the other hand treat their stuff like crap, want top dollar for junk, and actively hide defects in their listings. Oh, and they generally suck at packing stuff.


ONESNZER0S t1_j3tv5nl wrote

That's good to know. I didn't end up buying anything from Japan, but I've thought it several times , when i run across something searching on ebay. I think I've just been more concerned about whether I would actually get the package , or if it would get "lost", and have to deal with that.


Brainvillage t1_j3tvokb wrote

Well, eBay in general is very good about taking care of buyers if something does go missing.


[deleted] t1_j3tjwdl wrote

After spending three years in Nagoya, I found many Japanese people to be very ordered and disciplined regarding their possessions and living arrangements. Whenever Japanese friends visited my apartment, often the ladies would politely start tidying up, and cleaning my mucky kitchen. I'm guessing this is why the items for sale are in super condition.


SmiggleMcJiggle t1_j3uggsr wrote

Why u got poopoo pics on ur profile tho?


[deleted] t1_j3v8x1f wrote

Do you not pay close attention to your fecal matter? It can be an early warning sign of bowel cancer.


eikast t1_j3wpgqu wrote

>After spending three years in Nagoya, I found many Japanese people to be very ordered and disciplined regarding their possessions and living arrangements. Whenever Japanese friends visited my apartment, often the ladies would politely start tidying up, and cleaning my mucky kitchen. I'm guessing this is why the items for sale are in super condition.

Sir, cut the shit.


Ch0pp3dM4ng0 t1_j3tgv0v wrote

I'm not Japanese but I've always looked after my consoles. I just traded in my PS4 Pro and I had all the plastics, foam wrap, cardboard, the box and the leaflets. When I traded it in, the guy in the shop thought I'd bought it from somewhere else and brought it in to trade it.

Not sure why I do it, but if I'm going to spend hundreds on something, I'll look after it and keep everything it comes with just in case.


slimshady713 OP t1_j3th2tx wrote

I’d like to do that, but usually all my boxes get thrown out eventually and the consoles end up getting scuffed one way or another