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TapeSticksToIt t1_j2it3iq wrote

This seems like a very specific situation OP, are you uh... *coughs* asking for a friend?


Mr_Stenz t1_j2itvx6 wrote

I would have reported receiving the wrong item and gone about returning it. Mainly as, you know, it wasn’t what I bought.


nathanwyer t1_j2iuyek wrote

Play dumb. Tell them a 6 year old opened it as it was a present - they didn't know the difference between 4/5.


manofthegalaxy t1_j2izt4c wrote

Play dumb call them and tell them your PlayStation 4 isnt working. Dont even acknowledge that it’s a ps5. If they ask you to send it back just send it back. if you are questioned when they receive the item or on the phone they call you out, just say you ordered a ps4, received that console and didnt know it wasn’t a ps4. Theyre the ones that sent you the wrong product so youre not at fault here, sort of dick move for them to report it stolen.


Zer0_to_0blivion t1_j2j3m9m wrote

You speak to the local trading standards board.

If Amazon were to ship the incorrect item, it's on them to resolve the issue. In the US the recipient is protected by federal law, meaning they can keep the item without penalty i.e. Amazon wouldn't be able to register the item as stolen to get it black-listed by Sony, afterall Amazon would have had to pick the item, stick your name and address on it and then send it out. Amazon would have to accept it as a mistake and loss on their books.

In Canada, you'd be expected to make every reasonable action to return the goods, but not at your expense, i.e. contact Amazon and they pay for return shipping. If Amazon don't want to pay return shipping, then you can keep it.

Edit - if this were a situation I was in, I'd take a picture of the packaging, showing my name and address, and send it to Sony as proof the item wasn't stolen, and that Amazon knowingly sent it to me.


Mr_Stenz t1_j2j4pex wrote

Nope. I’m saying if I bought a PS4, but received a PS5 (ie clearly not the item I bought) I would return it to get the item I paid for. I definitely wouldn’t link it to the internet and register it to highlight the fact I received the wrong item. I would, at the bare minimum, contact Amazon to see if the item had been sent instead of what I’d paid for, owing to the significant difference in value.


Zer0_to_0blivion t1_j2j7fd6 wrote

Contact Sony with any proof I have that Amazon shipped it to me. The key is getting the information to Sony that Amazon made a mistake. To register it as stolen with Sony, Amazon are claiming someone has actually taken it from Amazon. If Amazon send it out to someone, that's a mistake, not a theft. Sony should un-block the console.


Steward1975 t1_j2j7vnx wrote

Fuck em I would keep it,its there fault they should of sent the right thing out 🤣🤣


FunkinDonutzz t1_j2jmcdp wrote

>The person who purchased it is responsible if it was opened.

What sort of alternate dimension are you living in, exactly? They've received a console in the post, they're not taking receipt of a container ship of heroin or something.


spoonard t1_j2kf3j4 wrote

Amazon has no way of keeping an inventory of individual PS5's like that. Each PS5 has a way of ID'ing itself to PSN once it's turned on and you have signed into PSN. So you stole a PS5 and are wondering how to get it unbanned? You can't. You have a banned console now and you ruined someones day. Fuck you.


Monna14 t1_j2lpx92 wrote

This sounds strange. I think maybe a Porch / Parcel Pirate situation has happened. The is no chance amazon would even notice the wrong item was sent or if they did notice which is very very unlikely. They would contact you and ask you to pay the difference or maybe some other agreement. Am thinking this was either a stolen parcel from a outside delivery left on a door stop or a delivery driver selling items off the back of the lorry or even someone in the warehouse sending out deliberate wrong delivery's for cash. For example order a cheap ps4 I'll make sure a ps5 is sent out just pass me some $£$£


JaidenJade t1_j2ma53t wrote

Should’ve sent it back in the first place mate


KnowerOf40k t1_j2ml8qr wrote

according to Citizens Advice. Items that firms send to you, but you didn't actually order are called "unsolicited goods". You're well within your rights to keep them. You have no obligation to send them back to the company or to pay for them.


K_2REKZ t1_j2mw3hp wrote

That's very wired situation but I will keep,it and re sale it at a smaller price like $50


Tyrone5833 t1_j2n7jgr wrote

If you purchased a PlayStation 4 on Amazon and received a PlayStation 5 instead, you should immediately contact Amazon to let them know about the error. It is possible that the PlayStation 5 you received was mistakenly sent to you and was intended for someone else. If this is the case, Amazon will likely ask you to return the PlayStation 5 and send you a replacement PlayStation 4.

If Amazon registers the PlayStation 5 as stolen and it becomes unplayable, you will need to work with Amazon to resolve the issue. This may involve returning the PlayStation 5 to Amazon and working with them to identify the source of the mistake. It is important to cooperate with Amazon and follow their instructions in this situation, as using a stolen product can have serious legal consequences.

In the meantime, it would be best to avoid using the PlayStation 5 until the issue is resolved. If you have any concerns about the legality of the product you received, it is always a good idea to seek legal advice.


Significant-Hurry-82 t1_j2ncku0 wrote

Should have reported and sent it back? Then, it might have been easier to pay a small fee for the PS5.


JayS1622 t1_j2nel2h wrote

They will come after you for the ps5 if you don’t send it back unfortunately. This has happened to me before


RBTropical t1_j2nexw4 wrote

“Not unsolicited goods

  1. If you have been sent items by mistake; such as a duplicate order or additional items, mistaken identity, wrong address, in your name but you didn’t order them, any kind of fraud”

“5) If you have had any contact with any company and you have any order with them and they send you something different/additional”

Additional items or wrong items in an order you did place with a merchant you are expecting items from is NOT unsolicited goods.