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Tyrone5833 t1_j2n7jgr wrote

If you purchased a PlayStation 4 on Amazon and received a PlayStation 5 instead, you should immediately contact Amazon to let them know about the error. It is possible that the PlayStation 5 you received was mistakenly sent to you and was intended for someone else. If this is the case, Amazon will likely ask you to return the PlayStation 5 and send you a replacement PlayStation 4.

If Amazon registers the PlayStation 5 as stolen and it becomes unplayable, you will need to work with Amazon to resolve the issue. This may involve returning the PlayStation 5 to Amazon and working with them to identify the source of the mistake. It is important to cooperate with Amazon and follow their instructions in this situation, as using a stolen product can have serious legal consequences.

In the meantime, it would be best to avoid using the PlayStation 5 until the issue is resolved. If you have any concerns about the legality of the product you received, it is always a good idea to seek legal advice.