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sl000t OP t1_iy8edmd wrote

Reply to comment by kingt34 in Xbox or Switch for boyfriend ?? by sl000t

Thank you! Love the optimism here hahaha I think he only has digital games but that is important to note! So his main complaint is his Xbox One being slow. His roommate has a series S and he loves it but like others have said, I feel like the X is just the better buy but I am really struggling with the price/availability of the X :,)


amuzulo t1_iyb3sqv wrote

If you think the X is what he really wants, you could offer to pay for half of it. That’s already a huge gift! :)

If you want to keep it a surprise, you could give him a $250 gift card and he can then either just get the Series S with it or fork over the extra money for the X.