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n1keym1key t1_ir0191c wrote

Ok you make a good case there but my point still also stands. Being able to share game progress between PC and console is big plus for GPU.

Sony are lagging behind in this battle this time around. PS Plus is a reactionary response to Gamepass. Sony have repeatedly stated NO AAA games on day one.

On a side note...... One thing I really don't understand, every time there is a discussion around Xbox/PS5/Gamepass etc, the Sony fans always point out exclusives as the MAJOR selling point of the PS5 (Just as you have done above). While at the same time contradicting themselves by screaming blue murder that MS might make some Activision games "Exclusive". I don't play COD but I kinda hope they do make it exclusive as an "up yours" to all the "Sony is allowed to have exclusives but MS is not" crew.

I have no stake in the console wars btw as I have both current gen machines plus a gaming PC. May even open up and unbox my PS5 soon as it seems the jailbreaking scene is hotting up there and it wont be long before all those exclusives will be up for grabs on the net for free anyway!


Anubra_Khan t1_ir02465 wrote

There is no console war. For somebody who has no stake in it, you sure are bringing up a lot of Xbox vs PS topics that no one asked for.

I'm just giving OP an honest recommendation based on the info he give us. If he didn't have a PC and couldn't afford one, I could just as easily recommend a series X over PS5.


n1keym1key t1_ir03elz wrote

And I gave an honest opinion that differed from yours.

Also just looked through your post history and it seems you have a history of being arrogant/belittling on various posts. Now I understand this whole thread.