Submitted by No_need_for_that99 t3_11n0efg in consoles

I have been thinking about this for a long time and thought getting some public opinion. As gamers and collectors, I know we are sometimes forced to buy game lots to get a game we want... or sometimes don't notice we picked up a game we thought we didn't have only to find out we do have it.

So of course over time, end up with duplicates.

Also sometimes people end up with games they'll never play and would like to trade them for other games they will play. We all cherish our collections and I think would be a cool concept or thing to get started. Mind you... it will take a lot of trust between us guys in order to ship over a game to a stranger and hope they send your game in return... but who knows, maybe some new friendship can blossom along the way?

Repros would have to be mentionned as well, as some people just want a catridge or or a physical copy of a game... so that would have to be worked out between people.

Maybe start a new subreddit for it... or make some kind of group with a bunch of gdoc sheets... or something? I'm not sure how I would manage the info exchange, but i'm sure many of you are loads smarter then I am.

Anyways, let me know what you think?


I used to do something similar back in the day on message boards, where it was illegal to ask where to get roms and games, so instead i proposed we offer our games make icq groups. It was pretty cool and we could share our folders over the network with internet friends.

But this of course is about physical copies. lol

Anyways, do you guys think I'm crazy for having such a positive view on the idea?



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OkSquash8739 t1_jbkpk32 wrote

Isn't it what CEX and gamestop do?

I like your idea but it isn't really feasible on a grand scale. It might work if you have a local club i.e like a book club where you swap and exchange. Also with services like microsoft game pass, Epic free games, ps now library and emulation, your concept just sounds like a step backwards.

In my case, games I don't play I will donate or sell. Games I have as duplicates are ones on different platforms.

Your idea works but only in a small controlled setting.


No_need_for_that99 OP t1_jbksffo wrote

Possible, I guess, so. I mean it wouldnt have be 1000 people, lol.
But this exchange would be free of charge except shipping i suppose.

I know we have gamepass and such, but I was thinking maybe more for the retro gamers. People who play N64, Ps2, Ps1.... etc.

I have original xbox, xbox360, xbox one, ps2, ps3, n64, wii, wiu and a ds and a dreamcast.I wouldnt have much to offer on wii, wii-u, ds and dreamcast but my older consoles have a good bunch of dupilcates...

No money exchanges, just games. The good ol fashion joys of mailling something and waiting for something to comeback.

But maybe a more local approach as you say would be better. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do. Makes game hunting a little fun where you would get browse adds for games and offer up exchanges.


OkSquash8739 t1_jbktm5z wrote

I get where you are coming from.

Me personally, I'd never part away with my older games on ps1, ps2 and so on. You do realise how rare they are nowadays right? And like I said, we have emulators now. There are a lot of ways to get games for your Emulator that also cost nothing and won't require to wait for postage.

Disclaimer: you need to buy the games before you can get the ISOs. I don't believe it or mean it but just because the mods will get their panties in a knot if I don't.


No_need_for_that99 OP t1_jbl08du wrote

oh yeah, no doubt.
I used to emulate everything and legit play everything too.

I'm slowly modding my consoles, so I can play off hard drives or sd cards at this point anyways.

But I will be ripping only the games I own, it's not as much fun collecting anymore since i've fallen into the trap of buying just because it's there and cheap. I'm making an effort to play my consoles and such, and everything is hooked up to a low end projector, so I don't get a million pixels, and it's fantastic.

At the end of the day, I mean I could just hook a pc to my projector as well, and just run everything like that too... but I guess this is a bit late to the game since the value of a lot of the games now, kinda make it less fun. lol