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GamerTMTDK t1_jba1s71 wrote

Well said. And year one platform for all gaming would be nice for sure. Did you own a ps5 now? I think pc is good for alot of things gaming included, with settings that can be ajusted and a garanti for those 60fps the downside is pc has a stop wall (don't know what to call it) for not running games as good because of the specs, where a consol can run all games.


Raaiyu t1_jbaq6de wrote

Yeah, plus a good pc is just too expensive, and messing around with all the maintenence and programs and all that shit, when all I really wanna do is just play a game lol. I never owned a ps5, but let me tell you, if I get the spare money to buy one, I'll definitely do it, just for gow lol


GamerTMTDK t1_jbasfom wrote

Okay, good to know ;) I might consider buying a ps5 in installments payment.


Raaiyu t1_jbavpja wrote

Hey, if you can do it, I'd say yeah go for it


GamerTMTDK t1_jbb0m99 wrote

Thanks I might :)


Raaiyu t1_jbb5q5k wrote

Me too, fuck it lol. Anyway, catch ya laters dude. I'm off to get my arse handed to me on rocket league lol. ✌️