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Douchieus t1_j8iaw26 wrote

That's hilarious and wrong. PS5 has sold 10 million more units than the SX.

Also the SX being more powerful means nothing when there's no good games to take advantage of it.

This is the PS5 supply chain finally catching up after the pandemic/scalpers more than anything.

Everybody I know has said the same thing "why would I buy a SX when I can just play game pass on my PC?"


YAHBPSFRHAHA t1_j8im55u wrote

Says the guy with playstation PJ's. Bethesda bailed and so did I. Back to Xbox for me


__TOURduPARK__ t1_j8ib0fa wrote

Fan Bois gotta fan boi.


Douchieus t1_j8idazh wrote

I own both consoles I'm just not brain dead. 😂