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chemgeek87 t1_j4l481t wrote

School ratings are not the end all be all. Somerville has a high rate of ESL kids that bring down MCAS scores which is primarily what those are ranked on. I grew up in Somerville and graduated post 2000. Many of my teachers are still there teaching at the high school. For an urban school there was a lot of diverse opportunity in terms of sports but also music programs, there’s honors and a wide range of AP courses offered. Me and my siblings all graduated with enough AP credits to finish college a semester early. I did my science fair projects at a lab in Biogen through a community outreach program. Based on conversations with college friends, there was also less rampant drug use in Somerville compared to wealthy suburban neighborhoods. Obviously people smoked pot and drank, and the hockey team had an Oxy problem, but I didn’t know anyone getting their hands on cocaine for parties which apparently happens other places. If your kid is supported at home and motivated there’s plenty of opportunity at the high school.


Intelligent_End6019 OP t1_j4lsktx wrote

I get all these comments. I live in a school district rated about what Somerville and Everett are rated at and send my kids to the public school. Some people can look beyond ratings on paper, but in my experience, people who can drop 1.5 million on a house do not. This is the mystery I see with Somerville's 1.5+ million houses. The buyers must be optimizing for something very different. I wonder what percentage are overseas buyers who don't actually live in those houses.