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Roszo21 t1_j695wng wrote

I hate to tell you, but MA has a severe shortage of inpatient facilities and the cost can be prohibitive for families even if you can find a bed. A friend's son needed inpatient treatment and had a history of violence but only could access outpatient because of lack of beds. It's apparent that many people on this thread have little knowledge of how broken MA's mental health system is.


SnarkyChief t1_j69skqx wrote

Thank you. Take my poor person's gold 🏅🏅🏅

It is very clear that most people in this thread have no idea how broken our mental healthcare system is here in MA. It's like some of these people think that you can just stroll right into an inpatient facility and get a bed. People spend days and days and days in ERs waiting for a bed to open. And even if you get a bed, odds are that you're heading to a less-than-favorable facility.

The ignorance in here is shocking.


goodvibes3311 t1_j69v2mh wrote

I was going to say. I had also heard (not sure if true) that she HAD been inpatient but was eventually released into the 5 day a week outpatient program. We don’t know why she was released though. It honestly could have been lack of beds or even insurance not paying for it anymore. I know someone who was released from inpatient who really should not have been but insurance stopped paying after a period of time and his family just couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket to keep him there.


PollyDoolittle t1_j6b7nuw wrote

And if you're lucky enough to get a bed, insurance will cover 5 to 14 days and you're discharged. The system is broken.


kauisbdvfs t1_j6ckd7r wrote

I don't think anyone is blaming the family, I think they are wondering why the fuck access to mental healthcare is so lacking in MA, a psychotic woman on the verge of murdering her own kids was allowed to be around them... that is fucked. People need to start questioning our government.


Long-Willingness-239 t1_j6b1pyi wrote

The point of my comment was to not blame the husband but rather the system. It falls on insurance companies and the broken mental health system.


chronicallyill_dr t1_j6burma wrote

My experience was in another country, but same. Three times I’ve needed inpatient treatment for depression, but got outpatient because there were no beds in the entire state and they put me in a very long waiting least (I’ve gotten better each time before hearing ever hearing about my turn coming up).

Each time my psychiatrist sent me on my way under the care of a family member and instructions of 24hr supervision (which is quite frankly unrealistic).