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calguy1955 t1_j5ulz33 wrote

Other than paying for some vehicle damage because of potholes and shit what other city departments are put in the position where the city gets sued?


TouchDownBurrito OP t1_j5uso31 wrote

The other departments listed in the article with significant legal settlements/payouts during the time period other than police are:


Boston Public Schools

Public works

Public facilities Department



The only other department with a settlement/payout over $1 million during a single year is Boston Fire with a $3.31 million in 2020.


CheruthCutestory t1_j5uqqlc wrote

Negligence suits are also capped at $100K for the city but these police suits are not.

It’s still a huge sum of money. Just weird how it is framed.


potentpotables t1_j5uzic4 wrote

I believe this would include suits for employment issues, such as harassment or civil rights violations, etc.