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heather1999xyz t1_j56pfkh wrote

Get a new bag for this if needed and look online for bags other folks recommend as their hospital bags. Get it in a less common color or in a pattern. So many people have black bags. I always get an ugly pattern to make sure I can see my bag.

Get one that is waterproof.

Get some one pouch makeup organizer to organize the small things including phone chargers.

Pre pack the bag in advance. Include phone chargers and bricks for both phones, long cords are ideal, colored items are ideal so you don’t lose them.

Bring a non electronic timekiller as well, in case you can’t use electronics for some reason.

Get maternity underwear and pads in advance.

Bring change of clothing.

Face wash and a face cloth towel.

Makeup wipes or face wipes.

Moisturizer for the face. Lotion — light and buildable. I like the aloe one from Jergen’s or Neutrogena. I forgot. Sheet masks if you want.

Hand sanitizer. Chapstick. Hand lotion. Nipple cream.

Light blanket. Heavy blanket.