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amos106 OP t1_j6o34dc wrote

I'm no corporate boot licker but don't get it twisted this absolutely would be creating more housing. Market rate is never going to be logical or fair, it's just a reflection of how abundant supply is in comparison to demand. Unless there is some sort of tennant cooperative movement that can get people organized and accumulate the capital needed to break ground and push through NIMBY resistance, corporate developers are the next best thing. No point in arguing about ownership of something that never gets built in the first place.


BonesIIX t1_j6oolij wrote

It's not the right kind of housing we should be building. I'm all for high density, but we need condos rather than apartments.

Basically a building practice that died during the 2008 recession and we've all been baited and switched that apartment complexes are the only option.


fuckitillmakeanother t1_j6ot4so wrote

This is letting perfect be the enemy of good. We need more of all kinds of (high density) housing