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biophysicsguy t1_j53r12b wrote

My policy is to always ignore and not make eye contact with crazy people. I feel like trying to be nice (or initiating any interaction) has the potential to lead to trouble. I am not trying to blame OP for what happened. I think it's commendable to help someone in need, I just think crazy people need a specialized form of help.


pdegner3 t1_j53tz0l wrote

Absolutely, and let's admit it, instead of coddling every groper/assaulter and excusing it as mental illness, let's call them what they are: assholes


LalalaHurray t1_j5584t7 wrote

I am so sick of people suggesting that talking about a person’s mental illness. Is an attempt to excuse them from something.


shuzkaakra t1_j55ifoj wrote

When I lived in NYC I ultimately came to the conclusion that if someone wanted to talk to you on the street and they weren't a tourist, they were either insane or trying to con you.


blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j55gvqk wrote

Same here. Don’t make eye contact and they usually won’t bother you. But be prepared for when they do anyway


Hahafuckreddit t1_j57u1bl wrote

Absolutely. Ignore ignore ignore. It sucks but it's literally your life on the line in some cases