Submitted by PhenomeNarc t3_zxdla1 in boston

Odd question, I know. Thing is, the wife has lamented to me that in the few months that we've been here, we have yet to go out with any new friends. Yes, everything is more expensive, so several options are pretty much off the table. Though I still wonder if there is a place where some 30-somethings can go to hang out with people in areas that are moderately welcoming.

Thanks, Bostonians. Go Bruins.



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takes12KNOW t1_j1zmwvs wrote

Join a club for your favorite hobby. Coed sports is my go-to


PhenomeNarc OP t1_j1zp7fh wrote

Yeah, that's a great idea. Thing is that I'm the shut-in while the wife needs social interaction or she shrivels up. I'm just trying to find situations where she feels welcomed and comfortable.


takes12KNOW t1_j1zpgzl wrote

Group classes are also a fun option. Pottery, cooking , ice skating. Best of luck.

... Also you could just sit at the bar and chat up randos. My GF and I have made a few friends shooting the breeze at the local watering hole


PhenomeNarc OP t1_j1zqgho wrote

I appreciate the suggestions.


Pheeb751 t1_j1zsw8q wrote

In addition to the groups/clubs mentioned above, depending on your interests, financial bandwidth and where specifically in Boston/the Boston area you live, could also consider joining a country club.


Pinwurm t1_j1zoimo wrote

I mean, /r/bostonsocialclub can be a good start.

Why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves? What are you into? What brings you to Boston? You'd be surprised, I made a few friends just by replying to posts here.


PhenomeNarc OP t1_j1zowik wrote

Hey, nice shoutout.

So we're musicians, the wife being the professional, myself a hobbyist. We're in Boston for her Master's. I'm the typical 9-5'er while she's all over the place. So all in all, the option of once a month visit to some neat places may help.


Stronkowski t1_j20d696 wrote

She isn't making friends through school? That seems like the prime environment for making connections with people with similar interests, lack of established social circles, etc.


lachaser33 t1_j1zptxg wrote

You should check out some open mics! I attend one on Monday nights at Porter Belly’s in Brighton


Pinwurm t1_j1zs03a wrote

Well, you're welcome to message me.

I'm a married 30-something 9-5er, and side-hustle in music. Wife & I love live music, exploring restaurants & bars, standup comedy, travel. I do a bit of light console gaming, she reads a lot of books.

A lot of our regular circle of friends have moved to the suburbs in the last year or two - so we see them less. We like living in the city, so we're not going anywhere.


cellular--automaton t1_j21p9xx wrote

A very similar situation to OP in terms of moving to Boston. I'm traveling atm but if you guys do something in late January I'd totally be up for hanging out!


Bald_Sasquach t1_j1zxb7e wrote

Also peep meetup. There are a lot of groups based on different sports/hobbies/interests! Most of the people I've met in the city have been through a running group on meetup.


allexesteven t1_j20ce2r wrote

There's a meetup group call "hey siri how do i make friends after college?". YMMV on people you meet

Another option is bumble bff...again YMMV

Muse paint bar in Assembly Row where you can paint, drink and maybe chat with other people


fakecrimesleep t1_j20mwty wrote

God help you. The older you get the harder it is to meet people in this city. Most people who go out to bars or music events just want to stick with their own crew and never like it when randos cut into their conversation. You mentioned you were musicians - try craigslist to see if there’s people who want to jam out with you. Be warned that there is a major practice space shortage in the city going on with one of the biggest facilities evicting everyone end of January - if you can stick to low volume/acoustic stuff you can do without a drummer you may have more successes


Outside-Abrocoma9040 t1_j22pvf0 wrote

it's easier when you're in your 20es and single, otherwise, you'd have to join some activities based on your hobbies and show up every time or try to become a regular at a bar


cellular--automaton t1_j21pmei wrote

Hi, a recent mid 30s transplant to Boston here. Not a musician but would like to explore the local live music scene. Hmu if you guys end up doing something!


quirkles18 t1_j22g2yo wrote

I joined a book club through NextDoor and have become close friends with the women in it. That might be an option for her.