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TurnsOutImAScientist t1_j0zyguk wrote

The answer to every single one of these is: if it didn't cause an accident, you're almost certainly getting away with it.


analogscientist t1_j10byux wrote

Friend of mine has been harassed by the police when walking, cycling, and even riding a scooter. When driving 93 on 93? Never


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_j10dubg wrote

What do you mean by "harassed"? Were they legitimately doing something wrong? You make it sound like the cop had nothing better to do and stopped your friend for no reason whatsoever.

On the subject of scooters, some of those pinheads need to be stopped and cited. I've seen them do more stupid shit and stunts that make drivers and cyclists seem like exemplary citizens.


analogscientist t1_j10ecxo wrote

Yeah actually it was straight up harassment. And my friend is not shy about admitting when he himself was in the wrong.

Edit: it wasn’t one of those app scooters, my friend would never lol. I don’t even think it was motorized


PedXing23 OP t1_j108eol wrote

Sadly, it seems true. In decades of area driving, I have yet to see an offender get stopped, let along ticketed.


NoMoLerking t1_j109kc2 wrote

It does happen, but rarely. Almost seems like it would be a money maker for the city to hand out tickets. Maybe we need to adopt the red light camera model and just give cops a bounty for every ticket they write.


IDCFFSGTFO t1_j10xzsu wrote

If anyone yells at you to say "You almost hit me!", yell back and say "Well then I'm almost sorry!".