Submitted by Iluvroastbeefvagina t3_zx0vtt in boston

I just moved into the city and want to see my girlfriend put out her best to outfit on the town. She lost her mom two months ago and we’re still reeling but one thing that makes her feel great is getting dolled up and having fun. Except in this city she feels like anything glamorous is overkill and I get it since it’s not a place with frivolous minded folks. But still, if you wanted to go all out and be glamorous, where would you go here? I honestly miss my wife wearing her crazy expensive get ups and fun makeup to go out. We moved here for work and she feels like she’s a peacock in this town. Please and thank you. No offense meant. I just miss her feeling comfortable and confident. I figure going somewhere where she likely wouldn’t stick out would help thaw those feelings on feeling like a fish out of water. I’m not expecting her to get over her feelings as it’s been a crazy year for both of us but I just want to see a bit of her usual self pop back up even for a little bit. I know it would make her feel better.



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TywinShitsGold t1_j2078r4 wrote

Opera house or symphony are places to suit up.


punkassdildojockey t1_j21l1bc wrote

Really there's nothing better than going to the Opera house dolled up, see a good performance and appreciate the ridiculous amount of money that went into its restoration. (The Symphony is also gorgeous -- but for as much as I love classical, and that tickets are cheap if you're under 40, I can't get through performances without falling asleep.) Doing that plus someplace near like Yvonne's for dinner/drinks like someone else mentioned, plus treating yourselves to a nicer Uber home, sounds like a fantastic evening.


HouseOfBamboo2 t1_j1zu1l3 wrote

Two months isn’t very long, especially if they were close. I would check in with her to see if she really is up for this, otherwise it may just be an expensive night and could make her feel worse because she isn’t ready for joy just yet


Iluvroastbeefvagina OP t1_j20eszt wrote

I understand and yes I agree two months isn’t long. I talked to her about it and she said she’d like that. I have also talked to her friends and therapist as well as her siblings and we’ve all agreed that taking her out is a classic way of getting her reved up again. I know she misses going out and having an excuse to doll herself up. I don’t expect anything out of it except to see her brighten up a little and that things will be ok. That I got her and that I’m with her. Thank you for advice though but I’m trying. I’m proposing to her in a few months (March, the month we met). I thought of doing it sooner but then everything happened plus I find proposals during the holidays a bit cheesy NGL. I wanted her to properly mourn her mom not have her memory distracted by my own things. I did tell her mom I would propose to her before she passed and she was very happy about it and gave me her blessing. She said I was right to not propose to her sooner as honestly her mom’s cancer remission took us by surprise. Before she passed she gave me advice on how to work with my girlfriend and we agreed taking her out is one of the things that works.


TheLadyButtPimple t1_j22xrwq wrote

Why did you talk to her therapist?


Iluvroastbeefvagina OP t1_j233l08 wrote

I wanted to understand how I could help her further. It’s been a tough year for both of us and I wanted to know whether I had been loving her how she needs. Don’t worry I got told that I wasn’t breaching anything nor was I looking to be told anything other than offering any way I could help her process. Her mom’s cancer remission hit us out of the blue and next thing we knew she was gone in the blink of an eye. Plus my moving here for a lucrative job offer and her deciding to come with me and test it out with me is no small sacrifice. She’s finding it tough to find friends and community here as she’s very social on top of it. I just want her to be comfortable and well and help her anyway I could. I want her to know I have her back.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j23bis0 wrote

It could have been a group session. The wife may have given consent. It's really none of your business.


SvggestedUsername t1_j1zwzut wrote

Nicer hotel bars. It's been a while but Oak Long Bar in Copley, Intercontinental Hotel, Contessa on Newbury, Four Seasons, etc. have long been go to's for a "nice" but low key evening.

EDIT: Contessa is a restaurant in the hotel, NOT the lounge bar. I was referring to the bar.


Infamous-Client-2528 t1_j1zrgt5 wrote

what kind of outing would you be looking for? like dinner, drinks, or more like a party-esque atmosphere? if the latter NYE is good timing although I'm not sure what isn't already sold out. if the former two, there's always coquette, contessa, or yvonnes for aesthetic restaurants.

honestly, I would also say just going to whatever "special" restaurant you guys have and both of you dressing up and making a night of it would be equally if not more special.


Sardoniosophy t1_j20b7ep wrote

Tea at the Langham. You don't have to dress up, but it certainly gives one a good reason if one wants it. :)


MackerelTrip t1_j20w1cn wrote

Nutcracker is showing until the end of the month!


TheLadyButtPimple t1_j22y2rt wrote

If she’s that into high society and getting dressed up, maybe look into a social club? I just heard about The Quinn House; a members-only club that the wealthy/ famous/ influencery type go to. I’ve never been and have no idea if it’s any good. You have to apply to be a member to be accepted and pay to join.


allexesteven t1_j20bous wrote

Fine dining establishment. Marliave shut down recently but they used to have strict dress code


sajatheprince t1_j237n7s wrote

I'd gone to the Marliave more than a couple dozen times...wearing anything from jeans to a simple suit...never was told anything about a dress code. L'Espalier had one, Mastros has one...but the Marliave did not.


allexesteven t1_j23ttj5 wrote

for some reason me and my friends were only allowed to sit at the bar and they wouldn't give us a table