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app_priori t1_izfkgsw wrote

State/local governments seem to be requiring at least 2 or 3 days a week in the office. But it's understandable - they want to set an example, especially when assessed values for office buildings are dropping and the cities realizes far more property tax revenue from commercial and industrial buildings than residential.

That said I feel like with all the layoffs and crap recently for white collar workers, people's ability to demand remote working options is gradually receding.


trickylizard t1_izflnbc wrote

Agree, I think employers and employees will gradually end up with a compromise of 2-3 days in the office a week. Already seeing it happen in many tech companies and startups.


app_priori t1_izfmq40 wrote

It's also an easy way to get people to leave without actually firing them. Not everyone's going to uproot their lives and go back to where their job is.