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il_biciclista t1_j1f0lv6 wrote

It's been a while since I've seen A Fish Called Wanda. What's the connection with Everything Everywhere?


pillbinge t1_j1fyhef wrote

In what possible way could Ratatouille have inspired Everything, Everywhere, All At Once?


bbqturtle t1_j1fzgis wrote

Have you seen everything everywhere all at once? It's referenced maybe 10 times throughout the movie by name and otherwise, probably has 10 minutes of screentime at least


pillbinge t1_j1g92sx wrote

This isn't splitting hairs. It's semantics - the very meaning of words. We often say things influenced other things but what we mean is that the artist was just thinking of something or liked something, but the influence isn't there. Influence is something like theme.


chunkyboiiii t1_j1gc28r wrote

The Brattle is an awesome local theatre. They are also a nonprofit, so consider giving before the end of the year if you’re so inclined! They show a lot of cool stuff people otherwise might never hear of.


thenatsguy t1_j1gm3nd wrote

Cannot believe I’m out of town and missing this. 2001 and EEAAO are two of my top five favorite movies


IDCFFSGTFO t1_j1hxxtd wrote

Great movie, but god damn does the Brattle still have folding wooden chairs? I'm too old to sit through a double feature at the Brattle lol. Catch me at Randolph in a leather recliner.


pillbinge t1_j1i88xj wrote

Oh, that's a good one. I'll have to remember that. Yeah, Hidden Fortress is clear inspiration both by the maker's word, but more importantly, in the film itself ("the author is dead", and all that").

This is like when artists say they were influenced by other artists, but really, they just like them. If someone in a death metal band says they were influenced by Sonny Rollins, that's really neat! But it doesn't come through on any recording, and it just means you like Rollins. And that's fine.

I honestly don't think we can even nail what influences us. It's rarely something impactful. The things that have influenced me as a person would feel like blips compared to so many other things, I think.


pillbinge t1_j1je023 wrote

That isn't how it works, and your view is limited by thinking unidirectionally with one word, maybe.

Influence is something smaller. Influence can be the way cuts are made, the way characters interact, their pathos, or even themes from older myths. Lots of Greek myths influenced the stories of the past. Not all, but many. You can find parallels between many characters. Motifs in certain works or schools of art can influence authors. Even their teachers, or people they didn't like. The legend of Amleth influenced the character Hamlet, but Hamlet isn't a retelling or adaptation of Amleth's journey.

A retelling or adaptation is just making it over again. If I retold a story about something I went through, I wasn't influenced by that story. Doesn't matter who tells it. Influence is more of a guide.

In this case, Ratatouille is mentioned and used in the film, but I'm asking for concrete, parallel themes. Barely high school material. I genuinely can't think of one. Ratatouille wasn't nihilistic and influenced by modern disassociation, or beliefs about alternate timelines and infinite possibilities, for one.


bbqturtle t1_j1jeopj wrote

Op said inspired, not influenced. I'm sure the board room thinking of fun things to add to everything everywhere all at once random sequences pitched 15 different movies, and ratatoille was one that was mentioned. I think they were "inspired" by the idea of someone on someones head controlling them.

I know what you mean, of course thematically they aren't similar at all. But, since it's a list of movies that contributed to the content or were referenced in EEAAO, I think inspired is a fine term to use as a blanket for all of them.