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Yak_Rodeo t1_j1vzkfm wrote

nye is pretty awful here and the bars are packed with amateurs. never saw more bar fights and ambulances for alcohol poisoning than i did going to bars on nye in my early 20s

youre paying a minimum of $25-50 to enter even the dingiest dive bar and getting home is a nightmare with lyft/uber prices


PotentialBat8461 OP t1_j1w5r7t wrote

Any other recommendations then? Cost isn’t really an issue, I’m not expecting it to be cheap.


Acceptable_Tourist_4 t1_j1wclfg wrote

Don’t let the above comment dissuade you. Yes it will be spendy and yes it will be crazy out there, but it’s all part of the fun. I’d stay away from the touristy areas, or notoriously young areas, so no Faneuil Hall, no Broadway in Southie, etc. But any established bars that already have solid, more local clientele are gonna be a blast. Think Lucky’s, Silvertone, JM Curley’s, stuff like that. And stand alone bars are gonna be less crazy than areas where people can bar hop easily and less competitive for those Ubers.

My favorite NYE was at a dingy pub in South London one year because we didn’t plan well and didn’t want to spend the big bucks. We had THE BEST TIME with the local Rastafarians and it was the highlight of my trip. Would never have found that place or those people otherwise.


PotentialBat8461 OP t1_j1wm538 wrote

Thanks for all the ideas! Yeah I probably should’ve mentioned that I am 24 in my post. I’m not at a point yet where I really mind the crazy bar scene. I’m aware it’s gonna be expensive and probably super crowded but that’s just part of it 🤷‍♀️