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skyleth t1_j25zhbi wrote

Cheap fast casual basically doesn’t exist (maybe a Döner) but for mid priced casual dining to fine dining I find it to be basically the same as Boston especially when you add tax and tip to the US side.


spedmunki t1_j261zzn wrote

It’s not really close. A flatbread at a casual restaurant here is like $18 and probably about 30 CHF in Switzerland. There’s no tip, but it’s definitely more expensive. Their VAT is also 3% higher.

You definitely can find cheap street food, like pizza by the slice or diner, but anything sit down is more expensive


skyleth t1_j2658vy wrote

honestly it's not that far apart… yes VAT is higher but it's included in the price not added on at the end.

personally my experience is that what we would think of as cheap food is EXPENSIVE and sit-down is on par. A steak burrito will run you 18CHF at Zapote in Zurich, almost $19.50!

Comparing "flatbreads" A Margherita form Copa in the Southend is $17 + $1.06 in Tax + $3.40 in Tip = $21.46 and a Margherita from Santo Bevitore in Zurich is 21.50CHF or $23.29 and 18CHF at Santa Lucia (also Zurich) not that far off.

Continuing onto Pastas and Mains... a Bolognese form Porto in the Back Bay is $28 + $1.75 + $5.60 = $35.50 or NEBO $30 + $1.88 + $6 = $37.88 and from the same Santo Bevitore is 34.50CHF or $37.35 or 23CHF at Santa Lucia. Lamb Chops from Porto $42 + $2.63 + $8.40 = $53.03 and Lamb Chops at Santo hits at 44.50CHF or $48.12

edit: i should say that i'm not arguing against your original point that that it's expensive to eat out in switzerland, just that it's _also_ expensive in boston and we're at a point where prices in switzerland aren't all that far off and most people don't realize it.


GM_Pax t1_j28ya42 wrote

That's the gimmick of Tipping, at least for full-service restaurants: the actual cost of the food is obscured by the fact that the menu lists only the pre-tip price.

$20 steak? No, really it's $24. If you don't tip that extra $4, honestly you're being a jerk, to the server and maybe the kitchen staff as well. Meanwhile, the owner gets to pay the server a lower hourly wage, because theoretically everyone leaves that extra 20%.

If Massachusetts abolished tipping, and the lower tipped minimum wage, instead (somehow!) mandating that the tip be included right in the menu price ... you'd see those menu prices go up between 20% and 25% literally overnight.


emdog927 t1_j27z532 wrote

I agree, I was in Zurich last week. Spent $13 on a cocktail and $23 on green curry. Seemed on expensive side of reasonable for what it was but nothing tooooo crazy