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noothanksreddit t1_iwrexi9 wrote

I went to Brandeis. Oh boy, when I visited my friend who grew up in Weston...

I didn't know someone so close to Boston could own so much land. Acres.

They renovated the basement with 16 fucking bunk beds for when family came over and there was a fucking wall climb wall! Shit was like only 10-12 feet, Clearly for children under teenage years.

We literally fucking made Simba jokes. "Everything the sun touches, it is yours."

I have only ever lived in apartments, and have been homeless 3 times. The shock was fucking unreal. Oh, he had a bedroom AND a playroom, fully equipped with Oculus VR (I want to say around 2018?), Foosball table, you name it. His fucking okay room was worth more than my life.

Anyways I just wanted to say I saw a ton of genuine marble furniture around those parts. The worst part is? Even if you were smart enough to resell it, shit is so fucking heavy a regular person couldn't just load it onto their car.

Edit: Forgot to add that the play room was in A SEPARATE WING OF THE HOUSE. Mother fucker had such a big house, they had to section shit off. FAFSA FUCKED me. I probably paid more for college than he did lol.