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scully360 t1_iyee6r2 wrote

Not a fan of the royals myself but I don't really care if they visit Boston. What's the beef?


psychicsword t1_iyeh6y6 wrote

The added government provided security of a few rich foreign figure heads visiting will disrupt traffic flows in a lot of areas.

Edit: In case you think I am over stating the costs

>"The number goes into the millions of dollars," Davis said. "It's an expensive endeavor."

> He says it's something the city prepares for. "The budget does prepare for these types of events," Davis said. "Boston is a world class city and these are the kind of expenses that a world class city has to incur to maintain that designation."

Boston should not be incurring the costs of securing the persons of random figure heads worth billions. If the British government still holds them in such high regards that they view them as part of their government then they should be the ones paying for the security and not the Boston tax payers.


SteveTheBluesman t1_iyeq8hm wrote

I like this. Pay for your visit or fuck off. Make the statement publicly too.

What are they going to do, cry because Boston (of all cities) won't foot the cost for these entitled fuckfaces to get some photo ops?


TheLost_Chef t1_iyef6mz wrote

Tea taxes are too damn high.


Horknut1 t1_iyegj6i wrote

He didn't ask about tea. He asked about beef.



lucascorso21 t1_iyegt3p wrote

Also rent is too high due to limited available units in response to the Quartering Act.


LiamW t1_iyegxra wrote

We’ll ignoring the war Boston started over getting rid of them…

Ignoring that their entire status is an affront to the idea of equality..

Ignoring that their wealth is literally from thousands of years of stealing from people and slavery..

Ignoring that they have literally accomplished less than Kim Kardashian..

Their presence massively screws up traffic and logistics until they leave in a city with world famous traffic and transit issues.


scully360 t1_iyehfzi wrote

I'll give you the traffic issues. But the other stuff, I get it. I'm not oblivious to it. But the grand scheme of my life....if they want to visit Boston, have at it.


[deleted] t1_iyekb1g wrote



scully360 t1_iyelnqo wrote

All the power to you! No judgement here. I just don't care if they come here or not. I hope they enjoy the city, it has so much to offer!


TheSukis t1_iyehoht wrote

People have too much time on their hands and are addicted to celebrity gossip