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Bmxing85 t1_ixn3aj0 wrote

Call back again. You probably got a sour agent.

Comcast is nothing better, I never tried Starry but hear it’s slow and data caps.

Check out T-Mobile 5G. If it’s not available at you current address try using a friends address. It’s autopay so no real issues. $49.99, it is 2year contract tho


dante662 t1_ixoe7dy wrote

Starry isn't slow, and there is no data cap.


accion12 OP t1_ixn40n9 wrote

I tried chat, calls & social media but not much.

I have used Starry in the past. It's similar to T-mo's 5G setup. Doesn't look great when compared to Comcast advertised speeds, but they offer close to what they promise. It sucks sometimes during bad weather. They say they started in Boston because windy weather helps them figure out how to improve those weather issues


cxmplexb t1_ixnou9h wrote

Xfinity works great, just make sure to purchase an adaquate speed. 99% of issues people have with ISPs is their own fucking fault, I.e. why do I have lag with 15 devices all streaming Netflix on the cheapest per month plan.

I pay $79.99 for 1 gig down (get 1400 Mbps or 1.4Gbps), 40 Mbps up. I recommend your own router and modem, the Xfinity ones tend to be a bit garbage wifi wise, they work fine for Ethernet though.


cxmplexb t1_ixnp0cu wrote

Crapmobile 5g that doesn't work through a concrete wall over 3 ms ping 1400 Mbps down Xfinity for $80/m? What are you smoking, can I get some?