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rootbeercaveman OP t1_iybhxts wrote

Jokes aside, if you are the one who did this, go fuck yourself


Snow_Moose_ t1_iybibez wrote

Just give them a little love tap and you're on your way.


deathputt4birdie t1_iydnswa wrote

Bumpers are federally required to withstand impacts of 2.5 mph. Use this knowledge wisely.


BasilExposition75 t1_iycp277 wrote

When I lived downtown this was acceptable. You need to just shove it a bit. It is why bumpers exist.


Healthy_Block3036 t1_iybmb9f wrote

Which one are you?


rootbeercaveman OP t1_iybpc07 wrote

The Nissan behind the idiot that parked on top of my car


f0rtytw0 t1_iybvpt8 wrote

Careful now, check those stickers, you are dealing a veteran pro. Surprised they still have their bumper


bakrTheMan t1_iydfdmc wrote

They might be one in addition, but I don't know if 4 years in the city makes a veteran pro


michael_scarn_21 t1_iybhsdp wrote

Ah people say new Englanders are cold and unromantic but here we have "the Boston kiss".


brufleth t1_iycum3j wrote

What does the other side look like?

I've posted about it many times, but one morning when we lived in Brighton I came out to my car to find people parked against the front and rear bumper. I had to "wiggle" the car out of the spot using the give in the suspensions of the other cars to get free. My car was a manual too, so it was extra fun.


gearheadsub92 t1_iyddtpv wrote

Should track them down and send them the replacement bill for your poor clutch 😭


brufleth t1_iydfk35 wrote

I think I had to use the e-brake to hold while shifting too since the second foot was already busy clutching. It was a bonkers operation and despite that being probably over 16 years ago it remains a reason I hate street parking.


gearheadsub92 t1_iydgf0y wrote

Sounds about right, but also totally fucking miserable.

I often carry a 3’ metal pipe in my car that I use as an extension/torque multiplier for the handle on my little floor jack. I’m not sure which part of the other car I’d use it on if I found myself in the same situation, but suffice to say I am not terribly confident I’d have the self-control to leave it in the same shape I found it in.


septagon t1_iydq6vz wrote

An automatic center punch is the size of a pen and won't be so obvious. Everyone should have one in their car for emergency egress at the least.


gearheadsub92 t1_iydqkhj wrote

Lol sure, but that assumes I was limiting my sights to just the windows.


septagon t1_iydqqb4 wrote

Valve core removal tool, also the size of a pen.


gearheadsub92 t1_iydr229 wrote

Well. You’re not wrong with either of these suggestions, but…neither of them will leave the user with the same satisfaction as absolutely just beating the shit out of something with a 3’ pipe, so consider my mind unchanged lol


Deftably t1_iybmsyr wrote

"you bout ready to do some kissin'?"

Cousin Eddie, Christmas Vacation


NHGuy t1_iyd27px wrote

What did you end up doing?


rootbeercaveman OP t1_iydk91x wrote

I had 1.5-2 feet of space between me and the car behind me so I was able to get out, it was just a lot more annoying than it had to be. Not to mention this idiot that was touching my car left 4+ feet of space between them and the car in front of them lmao.


Horknut1 t1_iydo474 wrote

This is like the story of the farmer whose son found a horse. It’s possible that the guy in front of the guy in front of you pushed that car into you so he could get out, and the new guy pulled in and left him space.


NHGuy t1_iydryff wrote

shitty parking is a pet peeve of mine because it comes down to consideration for others - this person clearly didn't give a shit about you


BikeIsKing t1_iye3rtx wrote

I disagree, unless you know for a fact that the person that parked there left 4’ in front and was touching OPs car in back. Maybe they were actually being considerate taking this parking spot instead of double parking, or partially blocking a curb cut or crosswalk. It could have been a tight space and the person did a 14-point parking maneuver to wiggle in, I don’t know. Parking is a valuable resource and if it’s in short supply, I think people should absolutely squeeze in, especially if there is not any damage. OP was able to get out, so it took an extra 30-60 seconds. What’s the harm? Probably spent more time making a post about it and responding to all the comments.


NHGuy t1_iye650h wrote

you disagree with my opinion? Ok, whatever

As for this particular case, you can play devil's advocate all you want but quite honestly, I think you're reaching

I'm done - you can have the last word if you feel you need it - and guessing from the length of this reply and the amount of thought that went into you, you probably will


AchillesDev t1_iye8s3p wrote

You seem upset by a really even-handed comment. Actually living in the city and street parking regularly (as I and my wife did for quite a few years), I'd see situations like that u/BikeIsKing describes regularly. Enough to know that if I see weird/obnoxious parking spacing, I safely bet on it being due to the vagaries of people leaving and arriving at different times leaving the awkward gaps.

Dollars to donuts this person squeezed into a spot and someone in front of them left before OP arrived. They also said they had 2 feet of space behind them, which is a luxury when street parking here, and plenty of room to get out.

This is why people buy bumper buddies.


rootbeercaveman OP t1_iyeha4u wrote

This was in Fenway where finding street parking really isn't that difficult tbh, not once have I ever decided I had to touch another car rather than find another spot


muddymoose t1_iybtc6t wrote

I see this all the time on my block. I'll pray for you op


Neuroticperiscope t1_iyc3o40 wrote

He’s gonna be in that spot awhile with no air in his tires…


Zaius1968 t1_iycomqn wrote

And when you do slam it in reverse…


btronica t1_iydu376 wrote

The "Hi-Neighbor!" Gansett sticker is the icing on the cake.


thedude2024 t1_iyeubs2 wrote

Parking by braille. We all trade paint once in a while.


erogone775 t1_iyfb9e7 wrote

That's what bumpers are for, welcome to the city


Drew_P_Nuts t1_iybxqp2 wrote

I actually don’t hate it IF you have 8 inches or more in the front!


waffles2go2 t1_iydsnpc wrote


Followed by 25-point zig-zag exit (I have done this with .5 inches on either side and did not destroy my (or their) bumper.


irishsaints23 t1_iyf9bv4 wrote

Now THIS belongs in masshole parking of the day


dolsey01 t1_iyd58p1 wrote

I think I would be pulling out by baseball bat and having a go at that.....


AMightyOak43 t1_iyeld5i wrote

I did this once (my front to their trunk). I got an angry anonymous letter on my windshield. "I can't even put away my baby's stroller". Frankly, I had never given that a single thought. I haven't parked that close since.


rootbeercaveman OP t1_iyeo6nf wrote

Yeah nobody thinks of things like that, or people who may have a physical disability. Luckily I don’t


darkhelmut1 t1_iybk4cb wrote

Can still get out have to inch it out but totally do able 😅


BikeIsKing t1_iye435r wrote

OP had 1.5’-2’ in back. Could easily get out. This is a non issue and almost expected when I park on-street in Boston.
