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sportballgood t1_iu9huk8 wrote

It’s strange, Boston is considered so walkable, but as someone from the West Coast I have always felt way less comfortable walking here than Portland, Seattle, or SF. I feel like I am constantly competing with cars as a pedestrian!

It is pretty easy to get anywhere on foot, though.


Repulsive-Bend8283 t1_iuakyxd wrote

You're doing it wrong. You don't compete with cars; you dare them. If you make eye contact with a driver who has time to stop, you automatically get the right to step in front of them, regardless of actual traffic rules.


anubus72 t1_iuaqcjc wrote

Playing chicken with cars does get old though. Some townies will never yield to you unless you step in front of them, and I don’t really want to risk my life like that


Clintowskiii t1_iuc88mp wrote

Agreed people here drive like psychopaths. Don’t get why the driving culture here is so toxic. Green light for 0.2 seconds and you get a long honk.


MiscellaneousBeef t1_iudg6yt wrote

Opposite experience here, I find Boston to be much more walkable than the West Coast. The roads are narrow here and you can walk across the street whenever you want.