Submitted by Bart_Chimpson t3_yaifkd in boston

So I live downtown and understand that maybe places have stopped selling 40s because of the homeless people or something, but its been years since ive had one and was wondering if im just not looking hard enough or if theyre actually gone. let me know if you know of a place that sells them.



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Gram-GramAndShabadoo t1_itbfxoj wrote

I'm concerned you are asking this question at 5:30 in the morning.


Snoo_97625 t1_itbh55k wrote

Lmao I can't even imagine being this out of touch with reality. I guess that's what having 'live downtown' money does to a person. You should be able to tell what liquor store sells 40s just by how they look on the outside, maybe get out of your Porsche and go for a walk some time


Rough-Jackfruit2306 t1_itblwz2 wrote

lol living downtown isn’t Porsche money… cuz you spend your Porsche money on the whole living downtown part of it


Snoo_97625 t1_itbvro4 wrote

Guess rent is out of control for everybody then lol


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_itb92is wrote

Picture a neighborhood you wouldn’t feel safe after the sun goes down and fry their liquor store.

Also from what I’ve seen, the homeless that are still drinkers aren’t drinking beer, and when they are, it’s a +/- 22oz pounder can.


Bart_Chimpson OP t1_itb98ak wrote

funny. do you have an actual answer or did you just wanna preach to me?


SpindriftRascal t1_itbg4l5 wrote

You seem like the kind of guy who’s going to learn about homeless-catering liquor stores the hard way. I picture you raving against the world, soiled pants and bottle in a bag. You’re telling everyone who will listen -which is no one- how everything is some other guy’s fault -which it isn’t- and when someone does try to engage -which is never- you’ll tell them to shut up, and you’ll go back to your shitty 40oz bottle of backwash.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_itbc3b2 wrote

I’m not preaching, I’m explaining why 40oz are less common in general.

I believe Clippership in Eastie has them which may be the closest to downtown.

I know EBO Grocery sell High Life 40’s ironically.


Bart_Chimpson OP t1_itbcj2t wrote

clippership. got it. now shut up.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_itbdai0 wrote

Well champagne wishes and caviar dreams to you too sunshine.

Have a blast drinking shit beer while angry.

Hope it works out for you.


Bart_Chimpson OP t1_itbdk8b wrote

you see what happens when you ask a redditor to simply be quiet? they come up with about 5 different cute little hallmark comebacks and assume im as miserable as their terminally online selves are. i said shut up.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_itbfi3e wrote

>assume im as miserable as their terminally online selves are.

>i said shut up.

TBH I’m beyond “assuming” at this point lmao

I’ll leave you with this free lesson: Unlike the imaginary arguments you have in the shower, nobody in the real world cares that you told them to shut up …or, has to listen.

It’s going to be a beautiful day buttercup, don’t waste it being an ass.


Udolikecake t1_itc3lnm wrote

> assume im as miserable as their terminally online selves are.

I mean you’re the one asking for a 40 of Olde English at 6 in the morning so safe to assume you’re at least fairly miserable


br41nLESS t1_itnlhpt wrote

says the man who can’t even find 1 beer, ur a clown


Bart_Chimpson OP t1_itnm01o wrote

ur late. in the time it took you to reply i found my previous 40 and sucked the nipples off your sister. imagine being the brother in law to someone as brainless as me


thedonregis t1_itbnc5w wrote

El Barto’s coming in like he’s mad that we didn’t offer to buy the 40s for him or something sheesh


Ok-Grape8532 t1_itbska0 wrote

40s were sold all over huntington ave

2 40s of MD20/20 taped to both hands, gotta try to finish at least one before you gotta piss


Dontleave t1_itbxl03 wrote

Mad dog was never sold in 40’s least not what I can remember


riski_click t1_itc96qx wrote

>2 40s of MD20/20

ummmm.. MD20/20 is "wine."


Namgodtoh t1_itcst1v wrote

I see we have a sommelier in the thread


riski_click t1_itcu84w wrote

indeed.. for the uninitiated, I always suggest pairing the MD 20/20 Banana Red with a package of Strawberry Pop Rocks under the stars on a summer evening, or even with friends around a fire pit once the leaves have begun to turn..


Namgodtoh t1_itbpzq9 wrote

Come over to Revere we have plenty. Not so much a homeless thing as a 40 just isn't practical and isn't trendy. Maybe once the beer snobs realize IPAs don't actually taste good they will come back into fashion ironically or something.


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_itcp7yo wrote

Was gonna say, Lynn definitely does, and some places near the beach in Revere probably do too.


looplink t1_itbfgo1 wrote

I’m confused. Is having any particular beverage packaged in a 40oz bottle somehow special or different than any other size?


benck202 t1_itbna6s wrote

Yes, a 40oz typically refers to malt liquor as opposed to standard beer. Now they obviously have craft beer styles that are high ABV but traditionally, the light domestic beer you could buy is under 5% ABV. So malt liquor has a light domestic taste with a high ABV and is typically sold in 40 oz containers. If you look at the 40s sold in a store most of them will say “malt liquor” as opposed to beer or lager.


looplink t1_itbo61g wrote

I see, thanks. Now out of curiosity, do they sell the same brands of malt in other common containers such as 12oz bottles/cans?


benck202 t1_itboapk wrote

Typically not. Although sometimes you can get them in oversized cans as opposed to the traditional 40oz glass bottle.


riski_click t1_itdpf4c wrote

Mickeys hand grenades were small, and haffenreffer came in 16oz bottles (and 12oz bottles as well I think). I have no idea if any of those things exist anymore though.


Rough-Jackfruit2306 t1_itbm299 wrote

It’s just a romanticized thing in music and other media, like smoking blunts or doing shots. Sometimes it’s fun to cosplay as a member of the Wu Tang Clan.


SpiritedCamel_ t1_itbnqzj wrote

Ah the good old days of drinking 40s. They taste like crap and the last 20 ounces is warm and flat unless you slam the whole thing.


Bart_Chimpson OP t1_itbjkko wrote

thanks for reminding me to not ask a simple question to redditors. I work graveyard and my gf is asking me to get off the phone and cuddle so maybe i can answer all yalls questions later this afternoon. peace.
