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jbelmonte11 t1_irt7hjv wrote

There were plans of redoing that entire "circle of death" area. They are doing all the civil engineering plans now but the actual finished job may not be until 2026 or something like that. Although I can't find the plans online right now.


BarryAllen85 t1_irvmzde wrote

Circle of death indeed. As a non-native, though, I find every other intersection/exit to be insanely under engineered— like it was designed and built by Peter Griffin. Oh you wanted a lane here that would fit perfectly and make a merge/exit easy? You’re not gonna get it. You want yields on this massive rotary? You get lights and stop signs.


Funkybeatzzz t1_irvzjyo wrote

I’m fully convinced that when they “planned” Boston roads they just tossed a handful of wet spaghetti at a map and made the roads where the noodles landed. The Newton Corner area is truly an affront to logic and probably worst of the worst.


keylime227 t1_irw76q4 wrote

My dad heard somewhere that Boston's roads were built to follow cattle trails, thus the roads were designed by cows. I have no idea if this is true, but he repeats it at least once a week and moos whenever he's in my car.


SEND-YOUR-PII t1_irudfdw wrote

It’s the Allston Multimodal Project, info here. Design finishing up this year, then it’s off to construction bid for start Q4 2023. Estimated construction time of 6-10 years, done by Q2 2032.


bostonthrowaway135 t1_irufz2q wrote

This is an important project, but OP is talking about a different section of the Pike.

It’s the “Newton Corner” exit.


SEND-YOUR-PII t1_irui6nq wrote

Oh, oops. That’s in the public input phase, that’s a while out from design.