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No_Judge_3817 t1_je4yas1 wrote

what do you think is going to happen if they don't sufficiently meet your progressive standards?

"Oh no! My tattoo artist voted for Hillary over Bernie! Now I need to post an apology essay on Instagram!"


DanieXJ t1_je4za8c wrote

OMG, this comment made my day and it's only 9:35am..... šŸ˜‚


No_Judge_3817 t1_je54vla wrote

I didn't think it was THAT funny so I hope this isn't the funniest thing you read all day


arch_llama t1_je9bfsq wrote


I don't think that means what you think it does.


ohhgrrl t1_je50z6c wrote

I donā€™t think they would be willing to do the tattoo and I donā€™t want to waste their time.


jpeg_0216 t1_je52r9b wrote

the great irony is that most ppl will tattoo whatever you want as long as the debit card approves.


ohhgrrl t1_je56tmr wrote

There was a neo nazi shop in my old city, Iā€™m just trying to avoid walking into another shop like that.


specialcranberries t1_je5zno0 wrote

What does that have to do with being anti-capitalist? I feel like those are separate issues in these modern times. Even non nazis might still be capitalists though. That seems like a harder find.


ohhgrrl t1_je60olh wrote

Because some shops make it very clear who is not welcome. Iā€™m looking for shops that donā€™t have that kind of messaging.


specialcranberries t1_je60zix wrote

I feel like you are using the wrong words. Them not serving you in a discriminatory manner (my assumption based on the limited information) isnā€™t about their view of capitalism. If they donā€™t like your politics, they donā€™t like your politics but i guarantee capitalism and anti-capitalism has nothing to do with it. This comes off as someone saying they want a place that is okay with fuchsia because one place wasnā€™t when really they are asking about neon green.


ohhgrrl t1_je61yl0 wrote

The tattoo itself is anticapitalist. Itā€™s an anticap tattoo, Im not seeking someone with my same values just someone who wonā€™t mind making anticapitalist artwork.


jackskip10 t1_je63am1 wrote

Do you look for the same for your doctor, dentist, etc??


ohhgrrl t1_je64ilf wrote

If I was asking my dentist to decorate my teeth with an anti capitalist critique I absolutely would check. If I was asking my doctor for an anticapitalist medical procedure I would ask.

The difference is that I am commissioning art. Itā€™s reasonable to buy art from artists who enjoy the commission.


jpeg_0216 t1_je5r7fq wrote

ah, that explains your concern. well, good luck in finding your tattoo artist - iā€™m sure that thereā€™s someone in this city thatā€™ll fit the bill!


jojenns t1_je51mec wrote

Rather than see their art portfolio you want to know their voting history? There will only be 1 person in that room who cares about politics to that degree and thats going to be you. You can get your rebel message at any shop


ohhgrrl t1_je56o0o wrote

There are neo Nazi shops in my old city. Itā€™s not absurd to avoid those kinds of shops with this tattoo.


charons-voyage t1_je7jevp wrote

You realize Nazis were anti-capitalists, right?


ohhgrrl t1_je7mzbg wrote

It wasnā€™t a 1:1 comparison. Just an example of a shop that is not inclusive of every tattoo.


[deleted] OP t1_je5g9el wrote



ohhgrrl t1_je5go5a wrote

How exactly is it cringe to find artists who feel comfortable accepting a commission?


bojangles312 t1_je56rno wrote

Sounds like you have never gotten ink before.


ohhgrrl t1_je56yhd wrote

20 tattoos including hands and skull. Sounds like youā€™ve never walked into a shop and been turned away which does happen.


Pinwurm t1_je59hn0 wrote

To give you a real answer.. Pearl Street Tattoo - really open, supportive & non-judgemental space and should be up your alley. However, they tend to book months in advance.
As for as anti-capitalism, you do realize you'll be paying them for a service in currency? I don't think anyone would barter for a tattoo. If you want a true anticapitalist tattoo, you'd need it done for free at someone's house lol.

Anyways, I'd actually be shocked if there was a neonazi tattoo spot in Boston, considering how difficult it is to run a parlor here compared to say.. New Hampshire. Like, tattooing only became legal here in 2001.


ohhgrrl t1_je5cbv7 wrote

I wish I had an award to give you. Pearl Streets mission statement matches exactly what I am Looking for in my next tattoo.


ohhgrrl t1_je5aqoi wrote

I was a tattoo with an anticapitalist meaning only. under our current economic conditions a truly ā€œanticapitalistā€ tattoo would be very hard to achieve. I fundamentally donā€™t believe there is ethical consumption under late stage capitalism. Yes, I can resist it, but I cannot abstain from all acts of capitalism if I want to be a part of my community.

I will wait months, the best tattoos come from highly sought artists.


Pinwurm t1_je5cvxa wrote

Fair enough - and I agree with you. I think most local tattoo artists would lean in your political direction.

I think the downvotes are coming from your phrasing. It partly comes off as cringe, sorry to say.

Anyways, good luck to you. Every artist at that shop is incredibly sincere, you should find what youā€™re looking for there.


ohhgrrl t1_je5fvss wrote

Honestly not sure how to phrase it neutrally. People are going to react and make assumptions instead of asking clarifying questions. I frankly donā€™t want to waste an artists time getting a consult for a tattoo they wonā€™t create.


SpindriftRascal t1_je556qc wrote

You mean you want a free tattoo?


ohhgrrl t1_je56etx wrote

Absolutely not. A tattoo artist is a worker, not a capitalist. And letā€™s not be ridiculous, itā€™s possible to support anticapitalist values in a society where currency is required.


charons-voyage t1_je5ra3o wrote

How is a tattoo artist necessarily not a capitalist lmao? What if they are using their income from your tattoo to buy and flip real estate or invest in other tattoo companies?


ohhgrrl t1_je5ttu4 wrote

Yā€™all are really lacking critical thinking if you believe having anticapitalist values means total abstention from all currency.


charons-voyage t1_je6dcbz wrote

Your post states that a ā€œtattoo artist is a worker, not a capitalistā€. Seems to be a broad generalization that isnā€™t necessarily true.


ohhgrrl t1_je6o6r5 wrote

Using your body to make art is working. They do not own the means of production. Tattooing is labor.


charons-voyage t1_je7casb wrote

How do you not see that a tattoo artist can ALSO be a capitalist lol?


ohhgrrl t1_je7hq3r wrote

A capitalist does not work for their capital. They do not labor for it. Tattoo artists are workers.


charons-voyage t1_je7iqy6 wrote

What if the tattoo artist owns their own shop lol? You should probably rethink your tattoo haha šŸ˜‚


ohhgrrl t1_je7nnb5 wrote

Are they doing the labor? Do they manage the place? Thatā€™s not a capitalist. A capitalist is someone who uses wealth to invest for the sake of profit and profit alone. Please show me an artist building a tattoo shop for profit and nothing else. Workers who support capitalist ideals are not capitalists, theyā€™re just workers living under capitalism. Lot of yā€™all need to retake some basic Econ and government courses.


downwardspiralstairs t1_je5rpbc wrote

The only place to get a real anticapitalist tattoo is a face tattoo in prison.


ohhgrrl t1_je5tip9 wrote

Incarceration is peak capitalism. And I never said an anticapitalist tattoo, I said a tattoo that has an anti capitalist meaning.


Slowpoke00 t1_je5pe1t wrote

Sorry but nobody is going to give you a free tattoo.


ohhgrrl t1_je5pn13 wrote

I absolutely never asked for a free tattoo. Iā€™ve spent $1000s on ink because they require highly skilled artists who deserve to be paid. Seriously no one reads.


Slowpoke00 t1_je5rl1j wrote

So you actually support capitalism, but want to give off the illusion that you're an anti-capitalist.


ohhgrrl t1_je5tl71 wrote

Oh, youā€™re lacking critical thinking!


johndburger t1_je6iog1 wrote

ā€œYet you participate in society. Curious!ā€

Iā€™m pro-capitalism (itā€™s a very useful tool that has served us well, within limits), but most of the replies here remind me strongly of this comic.


[deleted] OP t1_je6o0kh wrote



johndburger t1_je6w7wr wrote

I guess thatā€™s up for debate - my comment is more of a meta-comment about all the negative responses you received. Cheers!


ohhgrrl t1_je6wqw9 wrote

Sorry, Iā€™m feeling salty because Iā€™m getting inboxed a bunch of garbage for making this post. I see the meta comment now.


InfiniteJessica t1_je5qdsq wrote

I have one from when I was 18 and was considering another one. 623 Tattoo in Watertown met my basic standards. I don't know what you're getting, but they seemed nice. I considered getting a mental health-related tattoo and then decided against it. They immediately returned my deposit. Josh and Courtney were the ones who I spoke to:


ohhgrrl t1_je5qqux wrote

Thanks! If the artist I contacted canā€™t book me Iā€™ll look here next.


[deleted] OP t1_je72s6f wrote

Itā€™s cringe because 99.9% of Tattoo artists donā€™t give a shit what you want your sweet new tattoo to say. Especially not something that also isnā€™t offensive to 99.9% of people.

There are artists that wonā€™t Ink white supremacy tats, and I respect that.

Your post just comes off weird


ohhgrrl t1_je7i8dd wrote

Would it have been less weird if I asked for artists who donā€™t tattoo white supremacy? Why is there even a difference? I wouldnā€™t go to a neonazi shop with my tattoo request, just like a white supremacist tattoo is not welcome in many shops.


[deleted] OP t1_je7k87a wrote

I canā€™t imagine a tattoo artist not wanting to do an ā€œanti-capitalistā€ design. So it basically comes across like ā€œdo you know any shops that will tattoo my wifeā€™s name on my armā€? Pretty much any shop


Netlebowski t1_jealet7 wrote

Tattooed anticapitalist here: This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.


jib-cut-of t1_je5d2yg wrote

ITT: Libs have no idea what "anti-capitalist" means.

OP, good luck on your search. I've been looking for the same and would love to know what you find. I've asked around a lil bit and been told Redemption Tattoo in Cambridge, but haven't made it in yet myself.


ohhgrrl t1_je5flg1 wrote

Another Commenter recommended Pearl Street and it looks like a good fit for me.


charons-voyage t1_je7jnu5 wrote

Clearly OP doesnā€™t know what anti-capitalist means either lol. Goes on rant about neo-Nazis not realizing the irony that Nazi Germans were anti-capitalists.