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Celticsddtacct t1_je20q2t wrote

The irony of this statement is that they have stationed a cop at the intersection of winter st almost 24/7 now but they don’t get out of their car. Literally feet from where this happened.


SuperHiyoriWalker t1_je21z2d wrote

It’s probably not the only factor, but cops “quiet quitting” when a Democratic mayor/governor is in office is not unheard of.


Otterfan t1_je2s6w0 wrote

Boston hasn't had a Republican mayor in 93 years, so that's a lot of quiet quitting.


parrano357 t1_je2cbb8 wrote

I've heard of that happening in NYC so I'm not denying what you mention exists. I guess my general question would be what does everyone consider the appropriate police action if the police see a roaming group of teens harassing people doing their best brookline turkey impressions or worse.

are they supposed to pull their gun on them and make them all lie down on the ground and get cuffed? chase them and tackle them? flash their lights at them? seems like 1 or even 2 cops trying to deal with 10-15 unruly individuals could pose some issues


SuperHiyoriWalker t1_je2g93y wrote

lmao @ brookline turkey impressions

Even flashing their lights and telling the miscreants to move along would be better than nothing, as a signal to those nearby that the cops actually give a shit about their safety and comfort.


RhaenyrasUncle t1_je2hhqd wrote

Stop & Frisk worked excellently for NYC crime rates.


[deleted] t1_je2t3cr wrote

The 90’s crime bill also took a massive bite out of violent crime, people just don’t want to hear it. Covid is over, no more excuses.


vesperka t1_je4s3bp wrote

Yup, this is definitely a big factor.

I lived in DTX/Theater District for many years and have noticed crime get progressively worse in the last few years. I've talked to a few officers and basically they've given up on making arrests because the DA rarely chooses to prosecute. Instead these cops just sit on their phones in their squad cars all day.


[deleted] t1_je2inz5 wrote



murdocke t1_je2jb4r wrote

Maybe they should try not being villains then.


[deleted] t1_je2jscm wrote



EnjoyWolfCola t1_je46t1k wrote

Definitely not 24/7. Unless called the cops are rarely there after dark and this happened at 9. I work on that block and leave at around that time every day.