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ijustlikebeingnosy t1_j9tfk7h wrote

No city/town adds restaurants or businesses. Restaurants/business apply for licenses and while the city/town can deny, they don’t just add them.


slientxx OP t1_j9tsyjf wrote

technically they do add them if they are the ones accepting the bid. no need to be so precise and different mr. ijustlikebeingnosy, my whole point is we need more raising canes and its fair to say we do


ijustlikebeingnosy t1_j9ttisi wrote

For one, I’m not Mr. you turd. Second, they approve when submitted they don’t just add, and they aren’t bids. Third, there is a need to be precise since you clearly don’t know the process. Lastly, it’s it’s not its. Please go back to school.


slientxx OP t1_j9tw2m4 wrote

not you trying to be the grammar police when i literally take AP literature and won 2 scholastic writing pieces lmfao there was never a requirement to put grammar in this subreddit. i'm already at school unlike your old nappy ass calling me a turd.. there is no reward for what you said and they do in fact add them if they can deny/accept a business to a city. you just don't wanna accept that because your ego is too high on reddit and need to understand my whole point was that we should have more canes around the area because its crowded. go criticize that instead would you now?


vesselgroans t1_j9ujf5p wrote

You're actually a moron wow.

Take it up with the owner of the restaurant if you want more locations. Did they not teach you that in AP Lit?