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theliontamer37 t1_j9fo9me wrote

I really don’t understand why anyone still listens to this show. Both of em are just complete clowns with very little actual sports knowledge.


VMP85 t1_j9fxbfq wrote

What is the alternative? EEI has been garbage for more than a decade.


_jubal t1_j9he0os wrote



putinmcockiner t1_j9hpxoq wrote

Who’s putting out 4 hours of podcast content on Boston sports every day?


fadetoblack237 t1_j9hvn7p wrote

I can't even imagine being so into Boston sports that I need to hear 4 hours a day of talk about it. That's more then the amount of actual play time they are talking about.


putinmcockiner t1_j9hwp8o wrote

I mean I don’t listen to all four hours, most days hours 3 & 4 are just repeating hours 1 & 2, I was just making the point that podcasts aren’t really an option if you like to listen to sports radio each day.

I also don’t listen live instead opting to wait for the episodes to be uploaded as podcasts and that cuts the runtime down to 45 minutes for every hour before skipping the ads.


britchesss t1_j9hbxkv wrote

I used to love dale hawley and keefe


TheArcReactor t1_j9i72g6 wrote

Dale and Holley were great, Michael Holley was easily one of my favorite sports guys. He knew what he was talking about and he kept the non-sports talk to a minimum without making the conversations ever feel forced.

It wasn't long after those two left that the morning shows became about hot takes and stopped having sports be the main focus, the amount I've listened to sports radio has done nothing but decline since Holley stopped being a part of Boston radio, now I don't listen to any at all.


kajana141 t1_j9htpls wrote

Longer than that. I turned them off in 2004


MyMostGuardedSecret t1_j9k82bt wrote

Either podcasts or just don't listening to sports radio at all.

I stopped 3 years ago and my sports fandom has only improved.


frenetix t1_j9g1i9w wrote

Mazz used to be an actually knowledgeable baseball writer. He gets a vote for who enters the Hall of Fame. I don't know if radio broke him, or maybe he's always been an idiot and radio lets that come to the forefront.


chisel_jockey t1_j9g4tav wrote

What’s infuriating is that it’s an act/character he puts on for the evening drive show with Felger. I haven’t listened to either their show or WEEI in years, but it used to be very apparent when the baseball writers show was on immediately after Felger and Mazz; he completely dropped the schtick and actually had decent insights on the Red Sox and baseball in general. Felger and Mazz are just total bozos trying to take controversial stances for the ratings. And it’s annoying as hell when you just want some decent discussion on local teams instead of “entertainment”


chucktownbtown t1_j9gfpdh wrote

This guy gets it. Felger and Mazz are personalities that play a certain character on the show. They stick to it because they have strong ratings (very strong). Both very likely pull in north of $1M annually from the show + endorsements.

Why would you change if that’s what brings home the bacon?


doctor-rumack t1_j9gp8ok wrote

This is why I can't stand Mazz, but I understand why he does it. When he was the beat writer for the Red Sox while working for the Herald in the late 90's/early 00's, he was an occasional guest on Ordway's show on 'EEI, but eventually worked his way into regular appearances along with with other Herald, ProJo, and Ledger guys (Globe banned their writers from appearing on WEEI for a long time, not sure if they still do).

Massarotti was actually a kind and humble guy in the beginning of his radio career. He was a baseball encyclopedia and his opinions were always balanced and well-spoken. Then he started getting more aggressive with callers and his opinions (Ordway called this his Angry Tony persona), and it was clear he was taking advice to be more controversial to secure a more lucrative future in radio. Obviously he succeeded, hence why I understand his reason for acting like an asshole.

I do think it's an act, and that he's not as bad of a guy as he comes off as, but it comes at a price. I couldn't listen to him on Red Sox broadcasts because I just associated his awful radio persona with what I saw watching the team. I have no sympathy for Tony at this point, and I'd be fine with his career going in the direction of two other loser scumbags formerly at 'EEI, John Dennis and Gerry Callahan.


nhf1918 t1_j9hkezr wrote

I just really don’t think he deserves to be compared to Dennis and Callahan. Those guys were undoubtedly racist bastards. They said questionable things almost daily. Tony totally deserves criticism and punishment for what he said but the guy talks on air for thousands of hours a year and just fucked up.


CJRLW t1_j9mletc wrote

Yea Dennis & Callahan were on a whole nother level compared to Mazz. I don't get the impression that Mazz is a bad dude, whereas D & C are actual human garbage (moreso C).


Constructestimator83 t1_j9h65iq wrote

Felger usually has good hockey takes. He can troll like the best of them (never came close to Adam Jones though) but it’s good background noise when I’m working either way.


pccb123 t1_j9h4m2w wrote

Agreed. I was starved for Boston sport content when I was living out of state and started listening to felger and mazz for Murray, who was a classic cranky but funny Boston fanboy, until he became a caricature of himself with the "grumpy old man yells constantly about woke youths" character. Now I dislike him as much (maybe more at this point) than the other two.

I didnt mind Mazz as much as the other two tbh but mostly just tune into some guests (mostly just Gasper and Bedard for pats stuff) but its become just another outrage ratings grab so I quit listening.


theliontamer37 t1_j9g2uka wrote

He was a good writer. Radio got to his head. He just loves to hear himself talk, and it’s usually nonsense. He was one of the more vocal local ppl who said we should trade Brady in ‘14, and sticked with it for the next 5 years. If that doesn’t show ppl how much a moron he is idk what will.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hc05r wrote

> He was one of the more vocal local ppl who said we should trade Brady in ‘14, and sticked with it for the next 5 years.

Felger was also big on pushing Brady out of town. Among other things he claimed Brady used steroids, claimed Brady was putting in hardly any effort, claimed Brady had illegal dealings going on with Kraft surrounding Alex Guerrero, took any opportunity he could to bash the TB12 stuff, claimed Brady would completely fall off a cliff like Favre did, and has pushed his chips in probably more than anyone in the local media that Brady is a cheater over Deflategate (when pretty much anyone these days knows it was just the weather).

...the second Brady leaves for Tampa? Felger bashing Belichick and the Patriots endlessly for "running Brady out of town".


DRZ36 t1_j9g7ha6 wrote

It’s pretty clear to me what happened. Talk radio only works if you piss people off. Felger knows nothing about sports, but he knows how to rile up a fan base and get people calling in, yelling at him and engaging with the show.

You can see Mazz try to be more like Felger, and it’s always transparently flat.


Reddit_User_Loser t1_j9gscfn wrote

Their whole shtick is to be condescending douche bags and give vague hot takes to get people to call in angrily and say stupid things so they can say “Oh but I didn’t actually say that, what I said was…”. It’s the radio version of garbage reality TV. They’re only on the air because it works.

It’s like the 2nd date update on 96.9. It’s all scripted fake phone calls to elicit reactions or keep people listening through the commercial breaks.


Raineman t1_j9ha68j wrote

One of the main reasons I like to listen is the no pleasantries, no nonsense attitude. I don’t give a shit about their personal lives or what they think of pop culture like every other sports talk show thinking they’re Howard Stern. I have very limited time to tune in so if I have 30 minutes I know I’m getting 30 minutes of sports talk.


lucky_chalms t1_j9gwh9p wrote

Not only do people listen. It’s one of the most listened to sports talk shows in the nation. Recent controversy aside, maybe it’s you.


theliontamer37 t1_j9gx3l4 wrote

Lmfao I didn’t say ppl don’t listen , I said I don’t understand why ppl listen to that garbage. Millions of ppl watch the bachelor/bachelorette every week, doesn’t make it a good show. Again, they’re clowns and the callers are usually worse.


lucky_chalms t1_j9h4hf3 wrote

Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.

Pig Vomit: How can that be?

Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."

Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?

Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.

Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?

Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."

Maybe be a little more open minded. Your opinion isn’t the only one and is certainly in the minority.


theliontamer37 t1_j9h6m49 wrote

Lol Your quote just proves my point that a lot of ppl hate listen to their show. Doesn’t make them as well liked as their numbers show. Again, any legitimate sports fans know they’re opinions are trash.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hcotc wrote

That's not the point though. I'm sure Michael Felger is ecstatic that people hate him. All that matters to him is that people tune in such that his ratings are high and he can continue to get paid a lot of money to work 4 hours a day.


theliontamer37 t1_j9heqlr wrote

Oh I’m not saying he’s not successful at what he does. He definitely loves the hate. My whole stance is that he has trash takes, isn’t entertaining, and isn’t nearly sport literate enough to be as big as a host as he is.


Quiddity131 t1_j9keq3u wrote

I think Felger knows his stuff pretty well, he is well informed and does the research. But that doesn't translate into how he comes off on the air as he is all about leaning heavily into the schtick of being a big time troll. Does he have trash takes? Absolutely. As to if he's entertaining, well ultimately the high ratings bear it out. People like us want something of higher quality but it seems like the masses are fine with content that is all about trolling the audience and getting them mad at him.

Mazz and Jim Murray? Idiots who hardly put any effort in.


fadetoblack237 t1_j9fqw1k wrote

That's Boston sports radio in a nutshell. As far back as I can remember, these shows were all conservative radio masquerading as sports talk.


jamesmd14 t1_j9fzan0 wrote

Found someone who’s never listened to 98.5 right here.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hc9dv wrote

Felger and Mazz actually hardly ever talk about politics and when they have they more often than not display leftist positions.


tomjoads t1_j9k3eqn wrote

They aren't even close to leftists, maz is a conservative catholic


CoolAbdul t1_j9gjv10 wrote

Don't know why the downvotes. This is a dead-on accurate take.


ftlftlftl t1_j9h0rsr wrote

You're thinking of EEI where they are "sports" but the morning show used to be a Trump Forum. Sports hub is literally the opposite on every show.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hcgw5 wrote

Its downvoted because its not true. That describes say Dennis & Callahan (gone from the market for what, 10 years now?) or Glenn Ordway (also no longer on the air). It does not describe Felger & Mazz.


[deleted] t1_j9h4by7 wrote

If it weren't for Boston sports fans in every sub pissing and moaning about these guys every day I wouldn't hear about them at all.

This issue aside, this is separate, maybe everyone should just try...idk...not giving a fuck about Felger and Mazz? Wouldn't hear about em at all if it weren't for you guys just always whining about it, saying the same exact shit day in and day out. Just turn it off.


Quiddity131 t1_j9hcvzg wrote

The biggest way critics of Felger & Mazz will succeed and get them off the air is to stop listening to them and to not talk about them at all. They get ignored, they become irrelevant and go away. The problem is people can't help but listen to them, especially those who don't like them.


SideBarParty t1_j9g1ber wrote

The comments were not 'insensitive.'

They were flat out racist. Call it for what it was. Tony Massarotti is a racist.


CaptainWollaston t1_j9g5s5l wrote

I don't think that's fair or true. I don't really like him, but if you actually read the article and get the context you see that he was intending to make fun of felger for having his car stolen last time he was there. It was kind of a dumb thing to say, he should have paused and been more aware before making the joke, but reading his apology and reading about the situation makes it very unfair to call him a racist.

It's definitely a learning moment, i don't think he intentionally set out to be racist, but it's a great example of how remarks like this can creep into racist areas without racist intentions. Put the pitchfork down and save it for where it's truly deserved.


[deleted] t1_j9gb23p wrote



CaptainWollaston t1_j9gbrho wrote

Except he LITERALLY didn't say that.


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gcjj3 wrote


CaptainWollaston t1_j9ge05d wrote

He did not say Black guy. He said guys like that. "They can't hear us, right? Okay, so I would be careful if I were you. Because the last time you were around a couple of guys like that, they stole your car."


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gfgti wrote

My point wasn’t that he said ‘black guys.’ My point was that he knew he was saying something offensive which is why he asked if they would hear him

You’re trying to say he was just making a joke about the other guys car getting stolen but if that’s true, why did he ask if they guy in the back can hear what he was saying?


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9gzxhc wrote

> He literally asked if that black guy could hear him before he said it

You did not say that he asked if the "guy" behind him could hear explicitly said "black guy".


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9h0huv wrote

You are missing the point. Why would he ask if the guy could hear him if he wasn’t about to saying something offensive?

It’s not whether or not he said ‘black guy’ he was referring to the black guy. That’s the point!


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9h0pi3 wrote

Its called etiquette...


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9h0v8l wrote

Right, because he knew he was going to say something offensive


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9h1870 wrote

Right, but he didnt get in trouble for saying something offensive...they all say offensive things all the time. Matty in the Morning went YEARS saying offensive jokes.

The issue is the allegations of racially offensive material. So the skin color of the folks in the room is important...hence why you brought it up.


shuzkaakra t1_j9jygor wrote

Does the joke "work" if the guys are white?


It's a racist joke.

And what kind of etiquette is it to imply that a guy is a car thief when you're putting them on a stream/TV without asking them. Presumably that guy right now is having to deal with the fallout of being the lame end of this stupidity.


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9k0bjm wrote

The joke was that two guys stole Felgers car. There were two guys in the room with Felger alone. Thats the joke.

Mazz said nothing about race, because the race is irrelevant.

In fact, the only ones mentioning race are the racists like yourself who assume that stealing cars is somehow a "black trait", because of your assumption that the only reason why Mazz is making this joke is because the guys in the room are black...

Make it less obvious next time, bigot.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gg8ut wrote

It's offensive to anyone to say "Hey you look like a car thief." Black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever.


shuzkaakra t1_j9gm4r3 wrote

Yeah, but why does he look like a car thief?

I guess he should have been wearing a suit and had a straight haircut. Maybe wear librarian glasses. :\

To me, on the scale of racists on 1 to 10 where 10 is 100% racist. This is like a 5/6. He's not a day to day racist, but it's there. Otherwise, he doesn't say what he said.


CaptainWollaston t1_j9gsvt1 wrote

You're leaving out the part that he had a car stolen there before. That definitely played into busting his balls. He would not have said it out of nowhere.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gmnc3 wrote

What does a car thief look like to you?

Also this is like a 2.


shuzkaakra t1_j9gnvhs wrote

What do you think Maz is looking at on the video that makes him think those guys would make sense in a car thief joke? Are they holding one of those window door jimmy things? Are they dressed in masks? No, they're black. That's why he thinks they look like thieves. It's racist.

Are you trying to argue this point because it feels like something you'd say or do? Maybe you would need to rethink that.

How hard is it to see that seeing two black dudes and saying "haha those two car thieves behind you" is racist?

And the guy talks a lot, maybe he misspoke and the whole thing was somehow funny in his head. Maybe joking that the two black guys "who can't hear us, right?" are car thieves... is racist?

I seems like it to me. I honestly don't think it's worth arguing about where we'd put this on a 1-10 scale. It's pretty subjective how that scale is defined. I'd probably put anything over a 5 as fireable. I think the guy should be fired for this.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gwehl wrote

He was making a joke about Felger getting his car stolen previously and it came off as racially insensitive. It wasn't even close to what you're thinking. This isn't like when D&C made the comments about the gorilla and the residents of Mattapan, and even they were only suspended.

He's been suspended for the rest of the week though so the issue is over now.


aintnufincleverhere t1_j9gm39x wrote

>he was intending to make fun of felger for having his car stolen last time he was there.

How did he do this? Specifically


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gfeum wrote

ETA: Responded to wrong comment. Same comment posted below in correct thread

My point wasn’t that he said ‘black guys.’ My point was that he knew he was saying something offensive which is why he asked if they would hear him

You’re trying to say he was just making a joke about the other guys car getting stolen but if that’s true, why did he ask if they guy in the back can hear what he was saying?


Due-Studio-65 t1_j9giwe5 wrote

I'm reminded of how, when you went on certain forums in the early 2000s people were falling all over themselves to exonerate dennis and callahan when they were making their racist comments.

Some people need a guy in a hood with a deep southern accent saying the N-word standing next to a federal judge before they believe in racism.


CaptainWollaston t1_j9gmva9 wrote

Holy shit this guy is nothing like Dennis and Callahan. They would never have owned up to what they said and learned from it. They are scum.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9ha16t wrote

He doesn’t need to learn from it. It he didn’t think or know it was racist then he wouldn’t have first asked Felger if the guys in the room could hear him. No Mazz but we did.


Due-Studio-65 t1_j9h59li wrote

They literrally said what you are saying. "No racists connections intended, blah blah, blah"

Again, if you go back, you comment is just like guys carrying water for Callahan and Dennis back in the day.


Obviously, Mazz isn't as bad as Dennis and Callahan, and later Minihane, but the support that they had and people saying that they "didn't have a racist bone in their body." Led to them spiraling out and saying crazier and worse things until the whole thing was shut down a few years ago.

If they didn't have defenders back then, they might not have gone as far as they did.


MAIrish91 t1_j9h6bqj wrote

What did Minihane say that was worse than what Mazz said? Calling a reporter a gutless bitch for asking a stupid question isn't as bad as what Mazz said.


RammerJammer1991 t1_j9h71j4 wrote

Minifan here and was curious if anyone who knows nothing about Kirk or KMS would try and lump him into this


suburban_illuminato t1_j9gedfp wrote

You take your cooler head and get out of here! This is the place for fire and brimstone not this level headed shit you are peddling.


patriotrunner t1_j9h5ret wrote

“Creeping into racist areas without racist intentions”

cmon, man! It was absolutely racist, you don’t have to excuse it.


tomjoads t1_j9k2v2l wrote

This is far from the first time he has crossed a line


Schooler420 t1_j9lppxt wrote

Nope. My pitchfork will remain out indefinitely.


tsk__tsk__tsk t1_j9g7p66 wrote

He's the kind of racist they think and openly espouse "doesn't exist in Boston"


CoolAbdul t1_j9gk2q2 wrote

Well, what can you expect from an Italian?

hashtag irony


putinmcockiner t1_j9hruru wrote

Fighting racism with racism. That’s an incredible level of ignorance.


Freaky713 OP t1_j9hav5l wrote

UPDATE: He's since been suspended without pay.


shelley1005 t1_j9h2tfu wrote

I'm so sick of people saying "that is not who I am" when they get consequences for their racist behavior. Nah, I imagine it is exactly who you are.


Schooler420 t1_j9lpjt3 wrote

Seriously. He makes that kind of comment at work, imagine the shit he says around friends and family?


tsk__tsk__tsk t1_j9g95r8 wrote

I actually think this is an incredibly teachable moment, he should get a week suspension, and then come back humble, realizing WHY he was wrong to say what he said. In no planet, should he lose his job. But he like many his age come from a different time and place, and if he were to become a model for learning how his demographic should behave, thats a dub.


pccb123 t1_j9h6q5r wrote

In a perfect world, sure. But what happens more often is that fans will get angrier, hosts dig in more to their "everyones a baby and offended all the time" schtick (so original) and rile more people up. its the same method that the "news" uses. It gets ratings


tsk__tsk__tsk t1_j9i7sgb wrote

Except I dont think thats going to happen at all. Massachusetts is pretty reasonable and I think This sentiment will be reflected by their callers.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gzt5s wrote

Well he has been suspended for a week and he already issued an apology.


F4il3d t1_j9ftxza wrote

Both Felger insipid take on Boston sports and This weasel's mealy mouth voice just combine to create a hole in my radio spectrum near their station when they are on. Boston deserves better.


jamesmd14 t1_j9fzeqr wrote

They’re one of the best rated sports shows in the country. Boston is lucky.


F4il3d t1_j9g1uvt wrote

Boston is indeed lucky but not in any way due to this pair of bozos.


[deleted] t1_j9hu4uh wrote



StaticMaine t1_j9hyyi5 wrote

Can I be honest? That’s literally the point of sports talk and they are masters of it. A lot of people “hate listen” to them for this exact reason. They stir up shit and people listen.

It’s (sadly) how modern sports talk succeeds.


TheTr7nity t1_j9hu4hv wrote

This guy is a clown and deserves to be fired… post haste!


Linkx16 t1_j9jarty wrote

Personally as a Black guy, I’ve never stole anything in my life and actually hate thieves just like I hate the descendants of colonizers who pillage, divide, destroy, rape, deceive, oppress and enslave people. Also hate them for controlling the narrative as if they are not the main perpetrators of crimes but because of their color they’re able to get away with it.


pillbinge t1_j9gtv8q wrote

He looks like the kind of guy who would say that.


gloopygloop1 t1_j9h3csg wrote

Mazz feeds off being a heel, well, this is where you are now bud.


IdleOsprey t1_j9j6u2a wrote

I hate this clown and when they had him in the TV booth in NESN I shut off the sound.


funcouple777969 t1_j9ov1hi wrote

Stop apologizing to people with no sense of humor. He was joking about an event that actually happened. It’s not like he pulled a hypothetical out of his ass.


[deleted] t1_j9g1ev0 wrote



Michelanvalo t1_j9gghyy wrote

Halladay was endangering himself and others with reckless stunt flying while on drugs. He deserves no sympathy.


nottoodrunk t1_j9gj1ao wrote

Yeah this ain’t really the hill to die on with what we know now. He’s lucky he didn’t hurt anyone else.


batmansmotorcycle t1_j9h7el8 wrote

Breaking News: Shock Jocks Shock More At 11.

I think the joke was bad in a show full of bad jokes but I don't know if its racism. If two minorities steal my car am I as the victim never allowed to talk about the situation again or I have to omit the race of the two people who stole it?

Racism is a bias or hatred for a particular group based on race, gender, or other other fact that one cannot control. This was a comment about a specific scenario where a crime was committed. Yes it was a stupid thing to say, he knew it would be offensive but honestly that is the shows schtick.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9h9o1m wrote

But he knew what he was doing. It wasn’t an off hand remark. He asked Felger “can they hear us?” before he said it exhibiting that he knew it shouldn’t be said.


batmansmotorcycle t1_j9h9z89 wrote

Yeah I know. He didnt want to offend the people in the room, because his comment wasn't about the people in the room.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9hbi21 wrote

But if you think they might be offended then maybe you should think I probably shouldn’t say it regardless of the reason.


batmansmotorcycle t1_j9hi8vq wrote

Unfortunately you can't go around life worrying that everyone might be offended.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9hx4en wrote

But clearly he was worried about it otherwise he wouldn’t have wanted to make sure they didn’t hear him.


rocksalt131 t1_j9hltox wrote

Eddie Andelman and his crazy antics (hot dog safari for one) was the last time I listened to sports talk


SmearingFeces t1_j9lzzf3 wrote

Stick to worrying about the weather, JV Milt Dunne. Go suckle a Rose of Sharon. These two are quintessential Massa. Rich, White Phonies that live in leafy suburbs that only vote every four years, and check the “D” box. I’ve listened to them from my own Mcalester.


I_love_avocados1 t1_j9fnmcm wrote

Wonder why he didn’t get invited back to NESN……..


Current-Promotion-31 t1_j9ileox wrote

You know they had Jerry Remy on until he couldn't do it anymore right? Ever hear about his kid and how involved Remy made sure he stayed with the team even though there were repeated issues before the tragedy happened? Ever look up what happened to Eckersleys kid just recently in the woods and the involvement or lack thereof he had with her? NESN don't care if the ratings are there.


Impossible_Age_7595 t1_j9gqg77 wrote

They’re just obnoxiously loud frauds that have a platform and are payed well to give the worst sports takes to stir up listeners. So bad. I just stopped listening to sports radio in general here.


BossMagnus t1_j9i7nyc wrote

They have been racist assholes for as long as I can remember. I will never forget when that Chimpanzee escaped from Franklin park and John Dennis from. WEEI said it was a METCO kid. Fuck sports radio


Current-Promotion-31 t1_j9ikxzf wrote

No one on felger and mazz is associated with the show you referenced as far as I know. It's not even the same station.


SmearingFeces t1_j9hdsmw wrote

I’m just enjoying the schadenfreude seeing that Mazz and Felger are both typical wealthy, Boston liberals. They’re the darlings of Boston Globe, Wellesley, and Concord. It’s amusing.


Andrew-23 t1_j9hpr9a wrote

He wasn't wrong. Look at all the looting from the 2020 riots.


_lainan t1_j9fuezs wrote

old white man from boston racist?! truly shocking information right there. never could've seen that one coming. that's never happened before!


Trpdoc t1_j9g1r67 wrote

Lol oh someone in sports in the Boston area is racist lol color me surprised. Must be a good 75% or the fanbase


[deleted] t1_j9h3pgh wrote

>Must be a good 75% or the fanbase

First, fuck you

Second, this is the exact logic racists apply, good job


Trpdoc t1_j9h3wv0 wrote

Oh ok ya so it’s just this guy lol. Everyone knows how it works with Boston sports. Everyone.


[deleted] t1_j9h4iwk wrote

Of course it's not just this guy but it is the minority.

And you're doing it again. You're applying generalizing overly broad statements to an entire demographic. You realize that right? That is the same shit bigots do.


Trpdoc t1_j9h7yng wrote

Players single out Boston as the most racist fans in the nation but ya I guess they’re just overly generalizing
