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tsk__tsk__tsk t1_j9g95r8 wrote

I actually think this is an incredibly teachable moment, he should get a week suspension, and then come back humble, realizing WHY he was wrong to say what he said. In no planet, should he lose his job. But he like many his age come from a different time and place, and if he were to become a model for learning how his demographic should behave, thats a dub.


pccb123 t1_j9h6q5r wrote

In a perfect world, sure. But what happens more often is that fans will get angrier, hosts dig in more to their "everyones a baby and offended all the time" schtick (so original) and rile more people up. its the same method that the "news" uses. It gets ratings


tsk__tsk__tsk t1_j9i7sgb wrote

Except I dont think thats going to happen at all. Massachusetts is pretty reasonable and I think This sentiment will be reflected by their callers.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gzt5s wrote

Well he has been suspended for a week and he already issued an apology.