Submitted by _concertfiend_ t3_118f69l in boston

My partner is at something of a crossroads in his career, and is struggling to figure out which direction he wants to go. I think it would be really helpful for him to talk through the options with a non-biased person who has some knowledge about this kind of thing. I can find plenty of people through online searching, but would really appreciate any recommendations based on direct experience, particularly in the areas of healthcare/research/tech. Thanks!



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niems3 t1_j9i5lya wrote

If he’s looking in a specific industry, reach out to recruiters for that industry. They can often point you in a direction you wouldn’t have thought of once they learn your experience. But considering he’s advanced, the only people who will be able to give him advice are people in the positions he’s thinking about moving to, so it seems some old-fashioned LinkedIn networking is the way to go.


HungGarRaven t1_j9i5ne6 wrote

I know a career coach who works in Healthcare as part of her 9-5, feel free to dm me if you're interested in learning more. (it's not me)


needlestuck t1_j9i8tmy wrote

I know a licensed vocational rehab counselor who does this with private clients.


_concertfiend_ OP t1_j9pslqm wrote

Thanks! I would definitely appreciate their info. You can message me.


BostonUniStudent t1_j9zcw9u wrote

The US government made a pretty good career aptitude test. Not a lot of people know about it. Your partner can access it here:

It's free. I'd give a solid hour to answer all the questions accurately. It tests some abilities too. Like mechanical thinking, attention to detail, stuff like that.

At the end it poops out two lists. Things you would be good at and things you would like. Sometimes there's a lot of overlap there.

Community college, trade schools, and apprenticeships are always a good way to start a career without huge monetary and time commitments.


Poor_eyes t1_j9zd2dv wrote

I followed this post when it went up because I was hoping for stuff like this, I know I’m not the OP but thank you for sharing this


HammerfestNORD t1_j9hyt3x wrote

What's difficult?

Find easiest job he qualifies for....then the highest pay. Either the MGB or BILHC system.


_concertfiend_ OP t1_j9i4umm wrote

Thanks for the suggestion for how to consider moving forward. But it’s a little more complicated than just an easy job that pays the most money. He’s actually been with MGB for a long time and is pretty advanced in his career there. Because of that experience, some other opportunities have come up, in addition to some considerations about how to proceed if he chooses to stay at MGB. Way too complicated to detail in a reddit post, but thanks for the suggestion.

Still hoping for a recommendation for some kind of career counselor type of person who can help him consider these options and potential outcomes he hasn’t considered.