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Zikoris t1_j5g7wy5 wrote

In addition to the newly-minted r/365book bingo challenges, I have three I'm working on this year:

  • Backlog Challenge, where I finally read all the older works by three favourite authors, Mercedes Lackey, Neal Shusterman, and K.J. Parker. It's a lot of books but I try to do at least one per author every week, so I'm making progress.

  • Complete the Pot Thief Series Challenge. I've been meaning to complete this series for a while, so I'm slotting in one per week until it's done. I have another series planned for after I finish it.

  • Read 50 Nonfiction Books Challenge. I did this last year and found it so enriching to my life to be just constantly learning about all sort of different topics.

For straight numbers, I do a 365 book challenge because it's a nice round number.